4 Restaurants, Alessandro Borghese reveals: “They closed”

4 Restaurants, Alessandro Borghese reveals: “They closed”
4 Restaurants, Alessandro Borghese reveals: “They closed”

Alessandro Borghese finally talks about the behind the scenes of 4 Ristoranti and reveals that all sorts of things happened.

Alessandro Borghesefamous chef and television personality, has been leading for years now the program was a great success 4 Restaurants. This format involves four restaurateurs putting their restaurants and their cuisine into play, competing with each other and also tackling the preparation of a Special, that is, a particularly important or typical dish.

During the airing of the various episodes in all these years we have seen a bit of everything happen: from arguments, to dishes that were returned, including real culinary errors. The common thread throughout this situation is the constant presence of the host, Alessandro, who is interviewed in the podcast Dyeing of and with Stefano Rapone and Daniele Tinti co-produced by The Comedy Club, has finally revealed some rather interesting behind-the-scenes information about the program .

Alessandro Borghese’s confession on 4 Restaurants: this time a failure

Alessandro Borghese he is not only a chef, but he is a great TV host, now very famous, thanks to Quattro Ristoranti. Until now he had not particularly let himself go to curious interviews regarding the behind the scenes of the show. But today, guest of the podcast Dyeing, he finally revealed some little curiosities.

One of the first he told concerns the fact that some restaurateurs, after participating in the program, obviously achieved a boom in terms of customers and return on image. As a result, some of them thought they could raise prices. A choice that has not always paid off. Indeed, according to Borghese himself, some restaurants have even closed because of these reckless decisions.

Alessandro Borghese reveals a behind the scenes story on 4 Ristoranti (Buttalapasta.it) SOURCE ANSA PHOTO

But the behind the scenes on 4 Ristoranti doesn’t end here because Alessandro explained that in some of the latest recordings all sorts of things have happened. After all, when you discuss the topic of cooking it’s easy for tempers to get very heated and Borghese said that sometimes he had to manage difficult situations in which the participants wanted the episode not to be broadcastor they wanted their participation to be cancelled. Borghese at the end of the interview then commented in a very funny way by saying that, in the end, the one who loses the most is him who sometimes is forced to eat truly unpalatable dishes!

Thanks to this very curious and funny episode, we were able to discover something more about the host and, above all, about the most loved cooking show of all time!

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