Can Yaman absent, Alessandro Preziosi in the front row!

Can Yaman absent, Alessandro Preziosi in the front row!
Can Yaman absent, Alessandro Preziosi in the front row!

Ed Westwick, the British actor who plays Lord Brooke in Sandokan, celebrates his birthday with the cast but Can Yaman is missing from the cake cutting video.

On the set of Sandokan we take a break after filming for celebrate Ed Westwick’s birthdaythe British actor who plays Lord Brooke. Present in the front row Alessandro Preziosi while, in the video published on Instagram from Gossip Girl’s Chuck Bass manca Can Yaman. What happen?

Sandokan, Ed Westwick celebrates his birthday

The filming of Sandokan they are continuing in Calabria in the set set up to recreate the village of Labuan as faithfully as possible to how the writer Emilio Salgari imagined it. Between one take and another, however, there is also room for fun and celebrations like those for the Ed Westwick’s Birthdayk. The British actor, known to the public in particular for his role as Chuck Bass in the TV series Gossip Girl, had a birthday and the entire cast took a moment after the long working day to celebrate him. A gesture that warmed the heart of Westwick, who was very moved by the love and affection received from his colleagues, who published a short video of the cake in his Ig Stories. The video, however, clearly shows that he is missing from the roll call Can Yaman, who continues his social silence, with which it is rumored that there is already a tide. Here’s what happened.

Can Yaman does not celebrate colleague Ed Westwick

From the very first days of filming of Sandokan It seemed very strange that Can Yaman had decided not to follow his British colleague on social media Ed Westwick, who plays the antagonist Lord Brooke in the Lux Vide TV series. The Turkish actor, in fact, began to follow everyone, including Alanah Bloor or the new Lady Marianna, and then showed himself happy alongside Alessandro Preziosi who will be his Yanez, but not even a shadow of Westwick, so much so that everyone thought that there wasn’t exactly good blood between the two. On the occasion of birthday of the British actor the whole cast gathered to celebrate him in front of a cake with candles but, in the video that Ed posted in Ig Stories, there is no Yaman. While Preziosi is in the front row smiling and cheerful, the Turkish actor has completely disappeared from the radar. Can, who received the blessings of Kabir Bedidid he intentionally skip his colleague’s birthday? It’s possible that the actor wanted to avoid appearing on social media, having chosen to close Instagram, but the mystery remains.

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