Prince Harry faces many problems when he returns to London, between privacy and security: “Here he is forced to do”

Prince Harry faces many problems when he returns to London, between privacy and security: “Here he is forced to do”
Prince Harry faces many problems when he returns to London, between privacy and security: “Here he is forced to do”

Privacy and security concerns for Prince Harry: why he struggles to organize trips to the UK revealed.

The Duke of Sussex’s trips to the UK are gradually decreasing as time goes by. Harry’s commuting life is far from easy, as it includes a series of difficulties that arose following his statements very negative about the Royal Family.

Harry unable to reach London – photo: ansa –

Added to these difficulties are: inconveniences resulting from the decision to renounce the titles and court duties. Which is why his father, King Charles III, has his hands tied even if he wanted to and could not intervene in any way to help him. So this is what the Duke of Sussex is forced to face two side effects of renouncing qualifications every time he goes to the United Kingdom: the problem of privacy and especially that of safety.

In reference to the first point, it is necessary to underline the inevitability of renewed enthusiasm once the news of his possible return has been learned. It would be utopian to think that journalists and paparazzi they don’t go to the airport to catch him at the gate or whatever let them try to find out where he is staying to immortalize him near his temporary home.

Harry in trouble, the United Kingdom has become dangerous: serious privacy and security problems

Once upon a time, when rancor had not yet damaged relations between Harry and the rest of the royal family, the Duke of Sussex could count on the royal residence for his commuter trips. A place inaccessible to prying eyes. Following the renunciation of his titles and court duties, Charles III had to evict Harry and his wife Meghan from Frogmore Cottage.

Harry cannot rely on the Royal Family – photo: ansa –

For this reason Harry, the few times he decides to leave and reach his homeland, lives with worry to be intercepted by journalists and photographers and to be accompanied with impunity in his every movement. Often – sources close to the Duke claim – he even cancels meetings with old friendsas he was unable to reach them in a confidential manner.

The other big one security problem is summed up in King Charles’ decision to deny him an escort. This is not a matter of spite, but rather a painful choice, a form of respect towards English citizens. From the exact moment in which Harry and Meghan divorced the Royal Family they became private citizens in all respects. Certainly wealthy, but still without the privileges and rights due to members of the royal family.

The British police forces certainly cannot provide an escort to a figure who does not hold an institutional position (with rare exceptions, such as proven danger and similar situations), as this would create an important precedent. In essence, if you are not part of the English diplomatic system, you cannot request an escort by appealing to a “simple” blood bond with the King.

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