Giulia Stabile criticized for her diastema: she responds

Giulia Stabile doesn’t agree and responds once and for all to those who criticize her for the space between her teeth. Here’s what she said!

This time ours Giulia Stabile he didn’t really tell them. In a very recent story on her Instagram profile, the dancer of “Friendshas decided to respond once and for all to those who criticize her for her “gap between her teeth”. Here’s what she said!

22 years old with a gap between his teeth that also has a beautiful name -> Diastema that I will never close“. Well yes, it’s called diastema and it is the medical term that indicates the presence of a large and noticeable space between two adjacent teeth. Unfortunately, Giulietta has always fought against her insecurities and, above all, against those who, throughout her life, have decided to bully her for her physical appearance. Now, however, the professional of talent by Maria De Filippi she chose to speak out and silence the people who, for years, have mocked her for her teeth. Here are her words:

so you can continue to tell me all my life “with all the work she’s done, hasn’t she saved up some money to pay for the dentist?” (even if you don’t say it this way but I preferred not to be vulgar) which will be words thrown to the wind anyway. Many times I may not like these teeth too, but at the same time I know that it is something that makes me different and unique and I will never allow the words of some insensitive people they lead me to think that I want to change.

Already in 2021the year of his participation in the television program “Friends“, Giulia Stabile she had addressed the topic together with the production and Sangiovanni, her boyfriend at the time. The young woman had confessed her inconveniences regarding her and his appearance belief that one is “ugly”. Furthermore, regarding her diastema, she herself had recounted some bullying episodes she had experienced. In particular, the dancer had told of the time in which a girl had told her verbatim: “Before you laugh, fix your teeth.

In short, a continuous battle against the insensitivity of many people who do not realize (or perhaps unfortunately they do) that they are damaging the self-esteem of a girl who, despite everything, does nothing but wear a super smile even when she feels hurt. Remember that each of us is beautiful * just as she is. Often, then, what others consider defects can be real strengths for us. Keep going Giuli, shine just as you are!

What do you think of Giulia’s response?

She did great, she’s gorgeous just the way she is!

Some people should just be ignored!

[FOTO: Instagram]

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