Facchinetti mocks Fedez, the rapper’s mother criticizes him

A joke too much on Fedezand mom Anna Maria Berrinzaghi And taken. “Mind your own business and live for a hundred years, quote by Francesco Facchinetti”so it has written the rapper’s manager and mother in one history on his profile Instagram. Many have wondered what he was referring to, and the only possible explanation, or at least the one that can be arrived at by deduction, is perhaps a phrase pronounced by Francis Facchinetti during a lunch, made public on social media by Selvaggia Lucarelli. Yesterday, a video appeared in the writer’s stories in which her manager Niccolò Vecchiotti and the son of the voice of Pooh, colleagues in the NewCo talent agency, were together at the table. In the clip Facchinetti gets up and does one joke quoting the book of Selvaggia, The Pandora’s Box: “Selvaggia, will you now write a book about us too?”obviously referring to the Ferragnez, the main theme of the manuscript. The singer’s irony evidently didn’t go down well with Berrinzaghi, and hence the jab via social media.

Annamaria Berrinzaghi, Fedez’s mother, explodes on social media against Facchinetti

Annamaria Berrinzaghi has rarely exposed herself in favor of her son, and the few times she has done so sharp. Forever very confidentialFedez’s mother and manager, broke the silence again with one history Instagram addressed to Francis Facchinetti: “Mind your own business and live for a hundred years, quote by Francesco Facchinetti”. There seems to be no recent facts that could justify the reason for this sentence, at least apparently. On closer inspection, however, it could be reported at words which the 44-year-old uttered in a video resumed on social media by Selvaggia Lucarelli and in which they talked about the writer’s recently released book, a book that deals with the rise and decline of the Ferragnez. It seems clear, therefore, that Berrinzaghi was addressing this, probably using an old statement by Facchinetti. This, in a few months, was the second intervention of the manager to protect her son. TO May she blurted out, again via the web, venting for the continuous attacks media to rapper: “It must be bad to rejoice in other people’s misfortunes. How sad!”he had written together with a story in which he posted the meaning of the word ‘envy’.

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