Who is Anastasiya Petryshak, the violinist with the “big belly” who played at the G7 with Bocelli

Who is Anastasiya Petryshak, the violinist with the “big belly” who played at the G7 with Bocelli
Who is Anastasiya Petryshak, the violinist with the “big belly” who played at the G7 with Bocelli

It’s impossible not to notice her with her beautiful baby bump wrapped in a silver sequin dress, her great talent in playing the violin and accompanying the tenor for years now Andrea Bocelli in any event, even the one in front of the greats of the earth during the G7. She is the Ukrainian violinist Anastasiya Petryshaka true talent, who last Friday at the conclusion of the G7 played and enchanted the greatest politicians in the world, alongside the Italian tenor and receiving great acclaim from all.

Who is Anastasiya Petryshak

Interviewed by the newspaper Future, much has been discovered about this young woman expecting her second child. “I have collaborated with Andrea Bocelli since I was a child, explained the violinist. In these 14 years of music together I have been lucky enough to play on big stages, in different countries and continents. There were also very important and rare occasions such as state visits“.

However, Friday was an event that touched her deeply given that there was talk of war between Russia and Ukraine. “For me it is very important, especially having all my relatives in Ukraine, I wish with all my heart that the war can stop and peace is re-established as soon as possible. Being of Ukrainian origin and now Italian, this event was doubly important for me. I am proud to have been able to contribute with my music in this important historical moment, support my native country and help, through my violin, to bring the message of peace, freedom and fundamental values.“he said.

His career

Talent, but also a long apprenticeship and a lot of work. “My passion was born spontaneously, – has explained -. I am of Ukrainian origin and there, from an early age, we are directed towards certain artistic disciplines. Initially I tried dance but then, one day, while walking in the city center I heard a gentleman playing Vivaldi on the violin beautifully. From there my passion was born. I immediately had the support of my parents, who allowed me to study violin and, in 2005, we moved to Italy, to allow me to continue my studies“.

And it was in Cremona that Petryshak entered theStauffer Academyto then move on to that Chigiana of Siena with the maestro next to him Salvatore Accardo. An indelible imprint, that of Accardo, for her who today left Italy and lives in Zurich after becoming an internationally renowned concert pianist, also a testimonial for her from Cremona and her violins in the world.

In the world to bring peace and music

In addition to Bocelli, Anastasiya he travels as a concert performer around the world bringing music and talking about peace: “I have grandmother, uncles and cousins ​​in Ukraine. The men of the family were called to defend the country. They are people like us, who from one day to the next were called to use rifles, improvising as soldiers. Who is ever ready to face a war? Not to mention the concern of the wives, mothers and sisters… The admirable thing, however, is to see the strong spirit, the resistance, the courage and the love for the country that they all have“.

As the mother of a small child and another on the way, her greatest wish is to think: “To the future of the little ones and to creating a world with healthy values ​​such as peace, solidarity and respect“.

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