Eleonora Giorgi health problems, because she was absent from Pomeriggio 5: the live call

Eleonora Giorgi health problems, because she was absent from Pomeriggio 5: the live call
Eleonora Giorgi health problems, because she was absent from Pomeriggio 5: the live call

Afternoon 5: the live call from Eleonora Giorgi arrives. The actress explained why she wasn’t present.

Myrta Merlino, the hostess of Pomeriggio 5, had some beautiful words for Eleonora Giorgi who should have attended, but couldn’t. The seventy-year-old actress had already been a guest of the presenter a few months ago, choosing the well-known journalist to tell fans about the health problems that had affected her. Eleonora Giorgi is in fact suffering from a pancreatic cancer and, he is undergoing very delicate treatments to defeat the disease. Since the day of her diagnosis, she has decided to speak openly to her fans, making them aware of the great challenge he is facing.

Eleonora Giorgi calls Myrta Merlino live (Source Mediasetinfinity) arabinormannaunesco.it

He decided to talk about his treatment journey through the talk of Myrta Merlin. During the last episode of Afternoon 5, as mentioned, Eleonora Giorgi should have been present, but she couldn’t make it. The talk host, before connecting live by telephone with the actress, said: “There is a very important story for me, she is a person who has entrusted herself to me. It was a surprise, she entrusted herself to me for something serious, intimate, telling you about her illness. She wanted to hug you, but despite everything you managed to be there, despite the adversity.”

Eleonora Giorgi, because she was absent from Pomeriggio 5: the live call to Myrta Merlino

Eleonora Giorgi intervened by telephone explaining that she was unable to go to the studio due to the effects of the chemotherapy preventive treatment you are undergoing. She then added that it seemed appropriate to call the presenter, also because she wanted to reassure her fans. She explained that on some days she feels fine, but on others her tiredness takes over, preventing her from going out. This is what happened to you, which is why you didn’t attend Afternoon 5.

Why was Eleonora Giorgi absent from Afternoon 5? (Source Mediasetinfinity) arabinormanaunesco.it

The fans greatly appreciated her gesture full of empathy and care towards not only the presenter, but also the public who is sincerely worried about her. In an empathetic way she called to be present with her heart, albeit physically elsewhere.

A cuteness that fans will certainly not forget, after all Eleonora Giorgi is known for her depth of soul and even in such a difficult moment she thought of others and their well-being. A fact that moved her fans, many of her wished her the best for her future, with tears in her eyes.

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