New accusations for Kevin Spacey. Him in tears from Piers Morgan: ‘I have nothing left’

Kevin Spacey gave a rare interview to the Piers Morgan Uncensored program, bursting into tears and claiming that he had nothing left, that he was bankrupt.

The actor, 64, fell from grace after allegations of sexual assault and misconduct surfaced in 2017. On Tuesday, June 11, he gave an interview to Piers Morgan Uncensored, admitting that he has “pushed boundaries” and been “too pushy” with people in the past. He revealed that he is on the verge of bankruptcy and that he will lose his Baltimore home after racking up millions in legal debt.

Kevin Spacey has fallen from the pinnacle of Hollywood, being fired from his starring role as Frank Underwood in the hit series House of Cardsafter actor Anthony Rapp accused him in October 2017 of making a sexual advance when Rapp was 14 and Spacey was 26.

Involved in the #MeToo movement

Spacey later became involved in the #MeToo movement. He was accused in 2017 of groping an 18-year-old in a Massachusetts bar in 2016; the charges were dropped in 2019 when prosecutors dropped the case, after the accuser refused to testify.

Rapp sued Spacey for sexual assault and sexual assault in September 2020. Two years later, in federal civil court, Spacey was found not liable on all charges.

Last year, he was found not guilty in a UK court of sexually assaulting four men while he was artistic director of London’s Old Vic Theatre. In that case, he was acquitted of nine charges relating to events that occurred between 2004 and 2013.

Spacey faces a civil trial in the UK next year after being sued by a man who claims Spacey sexually assaulted him.

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Spacey admitted in the interview with Morgan that he had “behaved badly” by touching someone sexually in a way he didn’t know was unwelcome at the time. Morgan challenged him, replying that some would consider that groping. “I agree that the word ‘groping’ is a very strange word. Personally, I have petted people. I was kind to people. This is my way of being. You’re making a pass at someone, you don’t want to be aggressive, you want to be nice and see if they’ll respond positively. I think the word itself is not a word that I associate with my experience,” Kevin Spacey said.

Morgan asked whether those experiences were consensual or whether they were rejected and considered non-consensual by the recipients. “Then they should let you know that they don’t want to do it, so you can understand that it’s nonconsensual and stop,” Spacey said. Morgan said that, given his role in Hollywood, if Spacey sought out younger, less experienced actors, recipients might not be honest about consent, given the dynamism of power. At which point he responded, “Yes, and again, acknowledging this, understanding this, and making a vow that it will never happen again for the rest of my life. I will never act the way I did before, ever again,” Spacey said.


Spacey revealed that, following the 2017 allegations, there were “a couple of times when it was very dark and when I was at my lowest point.” He responded to Rapp’s accusations in a statement in which he also came out as gay, which in hindsight he said was “a bad statement.” “I should have made separate statements about my sexuality and the accusation,” Spacey said. “I guess the only thing I can hope for is that now that we’ve been able to prove in federal court in 2022 that the accusation of Anthony Rapp had never happened, it hadn’t happened, people will understand that I came from a place where in my heart of hearts I didn’t believe it had happened,” he told Morgan. “I was kind of backed into a corner.”

Spacey said that before the allegations, he had been extremely private in talking about his personal life and sexuality. “It’s just been unusual for me to be in a place where I’m okay having conversations about things that for a long time I’ve been so determined to keep away from people, that now I feel like I have nothing to hide and now I want to live a more comfortable life. open than I did before,” Spacey told Morgan. After the allegations surfaced, he went to therapy, and after participating in several programs, he said, “I absolutely believe I’m a better person.” The actor then added: “There were moments of arrogance. There were ego moments. I am enormously grateful that my focus has changed. My goal is no longer to be the best actor: my goal now is to be a man of good character.”

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Spacey broke down in tears as he revealed that his home in Baltimore is in foreclosure and about to be sold at auction. “My house is being sold at auction. So I have to go back to Baltimore and put all my things in storage. I’m not sure where I’m going to live now,” he said, noting that he moved to Baltimore in 2012 to film the television series House of Cards. When Morgan asked, “Why is he in foreclosure?”, Spacey replied, “Because I can’t pay the bills I owe.” She explained that she faces “many millions” in legal fees. Spacey said there were a couple of times when he thought about filing for bankruptcy, “but somehow we managed to avoid that. At least until today.”

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