«Arguments and spite for at least a year»

The most beautiful day (except for divorce), the culmination of a love story (except for regrets), the most heartfelt ceremony (except for exceptions). Marriage is a dream that often clashes with reality which says that in Italy there are on average 267 requests for separation per day. Among these there could also be the one between Paola Turci and Francesca Pascale. Dagospia he has few doubts: «After Totti-Blasi, Bonolis-Bruganelli, Amendola-Neri, Fedez-Ferragnithe rosary crown of broken couples risks lengthening by another bead: after five years, the marriage of Francesca Pascale and Paola Turci would have come to an end».

The crisis seems to have distant origins: «For at least a year the couple’s entourage has been whispering about crises, fights, estrangements, arguments and spiteof the type: a Beaststhe off-air “courtship” of the street urchin at Fagnani it would not have been much appreciated by Turci. Conversely, the video posted on Instagram by Paola dealing with the twenty-year-old actress Valentina Dispari did not please Pascale (as we know, the failure of a marriage is almost always a failure of communication”).

Publicly — as always — little transpires. At the end of April, when Pascale went as a guest at BeastsPaola Turci commented: «You are the wonder of wonders». Even if at the end of the episode Silvio Berlusconi’s ex-partner (who in the interview had explained that she had been aware of her bisexuality since she was a teenager) had (jokingly?) Flirted with the journalist: «But now can I woo you a little?».

Pascale and Turci got married in July 2022 and the former had defined it as «the most beautiful and strongest love at first sight of my life. This is why I asked her for her hand, to marry me, immediately. I don’t think I would do it again. Allow me to be romantic, I don’t think that marriage measures the love between two people, but with Paola I felt it was inevitable, a medal to our love.” Twenty-one year difference (38 Pascale, 59 Turci), the singer has always been more reserved: «I always take everything into account, except the invasion of something that you choose not to make public. For me, the public thing is music and that’s it.” But then there is always reality…

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