Brad Pitt, who would be “upset” by his daughter Shiloh’s decision to give up her last name

One week after the decision to Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, first biological daughter of Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie, to legally renounce his father’s surname and use only his mother’s, came the actor’s reaction.

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt changes her surname: her first choice as an adult was to deny her father Brad Pitt

On May 27, her birthday, the girl officially asked to change her surname and be called only Shiloh Jolie. A decision already taken by her older brothers, while the news came just a few days ago that fifteen-year-old Vivienne is also following the same path

According to an anonymous source who spoke to the magazine People, the actor, “aware” of his daughter’s choice, would have been “shocked” by it. A perhaps unexpected choice, that of the girl, which upset her father. «She has never felt so much joy as when she was born. She always wanted a daughter.” the insider continued, “He loves his children and misses them. He is very sad.” Shiloh’s decision constantly reminds Brad Pitt of losing his children. “He still loves all of his children very much, the whole process has been very difficult for the whole family,” another source added.

Shiloh’s paperwork was filed on Monday, May 27, her 18th birthday. The girl is requesting a new legal name, which should be Shiloh Pitt; instead, the possibility that the teenager opts for John, a name she used for a long time during childhood, when she wanted to be considered a boy, should be archived.

Shiloh is not the only daughter of the former Jolie-Pitt couple to have changed her surname. The first was Maddox, 22 years old, who in 2016 was involved in an argument between his parents on a flight bringing his family home from France. The details of those moments have never been completely clarified and gossip did the rest: the only certain thing is that once they landed, Angelina Jolie went straight to ask for divorce and that for a long time she prevented her children from seeing the father. A complicated situation, made up of spite, unclear episodes, arguments and continuous twists. After Maddox, Pax also took sides against his father, publishing some Stories vitriolic on the occasion of a Father’s Day, while the daughter Zahara in college she introduced herself only with her maternal surname. Same choice as the youngest in the house, Vivienne, 15 years old: protagonist of a musical together with her mother, she also only calls herself Jolie. However, the intentions of Knox, Vivienne’s twin, currently the most reserved of the former couple’s children, are not yet known.

What is certain is that “the situation has been sad for years”, a source close to the actor said in 2022 People. “Since Angelina filed for divorce, Brad has focused on having the best relationship possible with his children. It was very difficult for him. Many times there were long intervals in which he did not see the children at all.” Today, relations are frayed, as the legal battle continues with their mother over one of the last remaining issues, the management of Château Miraval, their wine estate in France.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, the war is not over yet. Here’s what’s happening

The actor allegedly demanded a confidentiality agreement regarding the alleged abuse inflicted on his wife and children, a vital agreement to finalize the sale of their wine property in France. She allegedly refused and sold out of spite to a Russian entrepreneur. Now, however, the actor is close to regaining control of Château Miraval

The property is at the center of a lawsuit because in 2022 the actress decided to sell her share to a Russian investor, which infuriated Pitt, who had invested much more in the property than his ex-wife and who did not look favorably on the property. A new part has entered the scene. Hence, the lawsuit, which could bring the actor back to having control of the estate; a first victory has already arrived: the court ruled in his favor and for now has placed part of the shares in the hands of an external trustee. Even in this case the matter does not seem destined to end quickly.

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