Campidoglio, ‘unacceptable arrogance on the terraces from Urso’ – Last minute

Campidoglio, ‘unacceptable arrogance on the terraces from Urso’ – Last minute
Campidoglio, ‘unacceptable arrogance on the terraces from Urso’ – Last minute

“It is absurd and unacceptable that Minister Urso and the central government decide unilaterally for local administrations.” Thus in a note the Councilor for Productive Activities of Rome Capital Monica Lucarelli on the declarations of the Minister of Business, Adolfo Urso, regarding a measure to make outdoor tables structural.

“The decision to maintain the terraces resulting from the pandemic without taking into account local specificities – he continues – is a clear sign of arrogance and disinterest on the part of the central government”.

“In Rome, we have worked tirelessly on a new regulation considering the different urban planning peculiarities of the city. We have carefully studied the various urban planning fabrics, recognizing that what is appropriate, for example, in the UNESCO site or in the historic city with medieval or Renaissance fabrics could not be adequate in a twentieth-century context”.

“We reiterate that it is essential to respect the various needs of citizens and entrepreneurs, and this unilateral decision by the central government is an affront to local democracy and the principle of subsidiarity – concludes Lucarelli – We will not allow our urban planning work to be ignored and trampled upon from above.

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