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Volkswagen Revolution, Everything Changes: New Agreement Official

Volkswagen Revolution, Everything Changes: New Agreement Official
Volkswagen Revolution, Everything Changes: New Agreement Official

Volkswagen has full confidence in the world of electric cars, with a huge investment that could make history.

Volkswagen was the first major global four-wheeled giant to invest heavily in electric vehicles, obviously excluding brands like Tesla that have never produced combustion-engine vehicles in the absolute sense. The Wolfsburg house made this decision after the 2015 dieselgatethe scandal relating to the rigged emissions of diesel engines, which effectively marked the future of the automotive sector.

Forced to rehabilitate her image, Volkswagen started producing its first ones BEV, note come gamma ID., but it must be said that in these first years, the choice did not pay off. Due to very high production costs, these cars are put on sale with perhaps still high list prices, which do not make them attractive to customers.

By now, it is clear that to produce electric cars at good prices, unions with brands that have more experience in the sector are needed: this is why the Wolfsburg house has just made a huge investmentThis is an important agreement, because it was made with a historic rival of Tesla in the world of zero emissions.

Volkswagen, investimento in Rivian Automotive

The news has not yet been made official, but there are several sources who have reported it. Based on what emerged, Volkswagen reportedly ready to invest $5 billion in Rivian Automotivea figure equal to 4.66 billion euros. For those who do not know it, it is an American company active since 2009 that deals with the production of electric cars such as the new generation R1 pick-up, a great rival of Tesla.

In essence, a joint venture is about to be created between VW and Rivian that would allow the two brands to share their technologies. Do you think that, As soon as this rumor surfaced, Rivian shares jumped more than 50%which means that we are certainly not talking about a rumor but a partnership that evidently just needs to be made official.

Rival Investment Arrives (Rivian Media Press) –

Volkswagen, therefore, will be tying itself to a rather young company, since Rivian is still growing its business. Its facilities are located in Plymouth, Michigan, and Norma, Illinoiswithout forgetting the factories in San Jose and Irvine in California and some in the United Kingdom. We will see if this large investment made by the German company will bear fruit in a short time and bring new models to Europe.

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