Holidays abroad, when you need an international driving licence

Holidays abroad, when you need an international driving licence
Holidays abroad, when you need an international driving licence

The international driving license it is a document that entitles you to drive a vehicle in countries outside the European Union and Switzerland, Algeria and Türkiye. The Civil Motorization Office of the applicant’s place of residence takes care of the issue. If you are thinking of traveling abroad, you should find any useful information on the matter: we will explain this to you in this article. In fact, we will review the methods to be observed and we will discover together what the formalities must be respected and the provisions in the main countries, frequent destinations for tourists.

The typologies

There are two types of international driving licence. The first, regulated by Geneva Convention 1949lasts only one year in Argentina, Australia, Cambodia, Peru, Morocco, Canada, Cuba, Egypt, India, Jordan, New Zealand, Singapore, USA, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey and Venezuela. The second, in accordance with the 1968 Vienna Convention, is valid in Argentina, Chile, Bahamas, Belarus, Brazil, Ecuador, Philippines, Indonesia, Mexico, Iran, Mongolia, South Africa, Thailand, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Available at the Motor Vehicle Office or online on the Motorist Portal, the request must be completed on the appropriate form TT 746. Attached, you must also present two recent photos, one of which is authenticated, and a photocopy of your valid driving licence. Regarding costs, the overall expenditure to be estimated amounts to 42,20 eurodivided into: 16 euro tax stamp, proof of payment of 10.20 euros on current account (current account) and 16 euros on current account 4028. Alternatively, it is possible to go to the ACI delegation nearest, where they will carry out the entire procedures at a cost of around 76 euros. The release will take place between 10 and 15 working days.

Obtaining an international driving license is mandatory in all countries that do not recognize the Italian license. However, it is advisable to check the need for it on the website Traveling Safely of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Often a translation of the Italian driving licence (in English or in the local language) certified by the Embassy is sufficient, or the validity may be limited to rental vehicles. In certain territories, such as Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, Costa Rica and Canada, the document recognised by our authorities is sufficient. Instead, in USA International driving license is required, except California, Nevada, Montana and Michigan.

Special cases

In Asia and the Middle Eastthe license of our peninsula is valid in New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Israel, Jordan and Qatar. On the other hand, we invite you to check the duration, because it varies from reality to reality, even significantly. Then come the particular cases. For example, in China it is mandatory to have a provisional title, without any kind of derogation. However, both Hong Kong and Macao are a story in themselves. In North Korea, a pass from the national authorities is required. Moreover, renting and traveling in the absence of local guides is prohibited.

However, it is worth remembering that in no case, regardless of the country visited, does the international driving license replace the Italian one, which must therefore always be carried with you while driving. In the event of loss or theft of the international certificate, it is possible to request a duplicate from the Provincial Office of Civil Motorisation. With a little care and forethought, it can be a valuable tool for traveling internationally and preventing unpleasant misunderstandings.

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