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Decent charging is only possible on the highway?

Gianfranca drives a Mustang Mach-e: “Great car, but decent recharges are few.”

Decent recharges are only on the highway, is that possible? Gianfranca was very disappointed by a 3,000 km trip with her Ford Mustang. Vaielettrico responds. We remind you that your emails should be sent to [email protected]

Decent charging? A mirage (and many charging stations are under maintenance…)

“LI always and willingly read the articles you publish and this time I’ll write something too. I have owned one for only six months Mustang Mach Ewhich I am very happy and satisfied with and, as the dealer told me during the sale, “It’s addictive“. So I embarked on a journey of about 3.000 km from Piedmont to Puglia and obviously I return. Touching various regions and cities also important from a tourist point of view. Noting however that only the highways have decent charging stations. In the towns of central Italy, unfortunately many disappointing, I often found charging stations in maintenance statusand with very slow charging speed. And nothing … I think there is still a lot to do for the transition!!! Thanks for listening. Gianfranca Costamagna

A Free to X recharge on the highway (photo from LinkedIn profile).

A gap to be filled, also thinking of foreign tourists

Answer. In the space of a couple of years the situation has reversed. First there were complaints about the lack of charging stations on the highway. Then the major operators (led by Free to X by Autostrade per l’Italia) have started a tight program of installations of columns, with powers up to 300 kW. And now in fact at service stations you can generally recharge in half an hourthe time for a stop at the motorway service station. Outside the situation is patchy: the charging stations are there, but they are mostly in ACwith powers fino and 22 kW e unsustainable times for those who are travelling. Also because in the meantime the panorama of cars has also changed. After an initial wave made up of models that recharged at low power, now we have moved on to cars (even small ones) that reach 100 kW and more. There are quite a few stations north of DC, but the further south you go and the grayer the situation is. But an effort is needed to fill the gap, also considering the many tourists arriving fromto Northern Europe who, when having to plan a trip, also check the charging situation.

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