Work: -17 thousand employed in May, employment rate drops to 62.2%

Work: -17 thousand employed in May, employment rate drops to 62.2%
Work: -17 thousand employed in May, employment rate drops to 62.2%

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In May 2024, compared to the previous month, employed people decreased, unemployed people remained stable and inactive people increased. This was reported by Istat, indicating that employment decreased (-0.1%, equal to -17 thousand units) for men, fixed-term employees, self-employed workers, 15-24 year-olds and over-fifties; instead, it increased among women, permanent employees and in the central age groups. The employment rate fell to 62.2% (-0.1 points).

Comparing the quarter March-May 2024 with the previous one (December 2023-February 2024), there is an increase in the level of employment equal to 0.6%, for a total of 148 thousand employed. The growth in employment, observed in the quarterly comparison, is associated with the decrease in people looking for work (-4.4%, equal to -81 thousand units) and the increase in inactive people (+0.1%, equal to +18 thousand units).

The number of employed people in May 2024 exceeds that of May 2023 by 2.0% (+462 thousand units). The increase involves men, women and all age groups. The employment rate in one year increases by 0.9 percentage points.

Unemployment rate stable at 6.8% in May

In May, the unemployment rate was stable at 6.8%, while the youth unemployment rate rose to 20.5% (+0.1 points). This was reported by Istat, indicating that the number of people looking for work was stable due to the growth among men and 25-34 year-olds and the decrease among women and the remaining age groups. The number of inactive people increased (+0.3%, equal to +34 thousand units) among men, women, 15-24 year-olds and over 50 year-olds, decreased among 25-34 year-olds and was stable among 35-49 year-olds. The inactivity rate rose to 33.1% (+0.1 points). Compared to May 2023, both the number of people looking for work (-11.3%, equal to -224 thousand units) and the number of inactive people between 15 and 64 years-old (-0.8%, equal to -102 thousand) decreased.

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