Record June for electric cars in Italy, 40% are Tesla

Record June for electric cars in Italy, 40% are Tesla
Record June for electric cars in Italy, 40% are Tesla

Despite mistrust and skepticism, the world of electric cars continues its progress at great pace. If it is true that in recent months the sales data for zero-emission vehicles have raised some doubts about Italians’ confidence in electric mobility, with March recording a market share of just 3.3 %, it is equally true that the month of June could represent a turning point.

1 in 10 cars sold is electric

Official data is still missing, and it is worth underlining, but according to what was proposed in the first estimates it seems that in the month of June the share of electric cars sold in Italy recorded a historical value and never before reached 10%. This interesting preview was provided by Roland Pircher, an analyst specializing in Tesla sales data, according to whom in June 1 in 10 cars sold were equipped with an electric motor.

Furthermore, Pircher went into further detail, highlighting the exact percentage of sales of electric vehicles achieved in the month of June, equal to 9.8%. Similarly, the analyst investigated to understand how many of these electric cars purchased by motorists in our country were Teslas. Out of 14,000 electric cars sold, as many as 5,500 are Teslas. A result equal to 40% which highlights the great appeal of the American company on the Italian public.

These analyst forecasts must be verified by official data, but if they were confirmed they could cause a significant problem for the Government. The executive, in fact, waited a long time before putting in place a new tranche of incentives fearing, however, that these funds would mostly benefit those manufacturers with foreign production such as Tesla or the aggressive Chinese brands.

The decisive push of incentives

When analyzing these data emerging from the estimates carried out by Roland Pircher, the considerable weight of government incentives must be taken into account. As we have said, the Government waited a long time before intervening and once the funds reserved for the purchase of cars with emissions between 0 and 20 g/km were available, they finished in just 9 hours from opening. An unprecedented record also thanks to the possibility of taking advantage of significant discounts in the event of scrapping and ISEE income lower than 30,000 euros.

The ecobonus made available by the executive has proven to be decisive in giving a significant boost to market share of electric cars in Italy. In fact, it is enough to compare the sales data for the month of March or April with those that will most likely be those of June. In the third and fourth months of the year, the percentage of electric cars sold was really low with percentages of 3.3% in March and 2.2% in April.

For intellectual honesty, it is correct to underline how these percentages have been influenced by the uncertainty about the arrival of government incentives that has pushed many motorists to postpone the purchase of an electric car until the arrival of the ecobonus. Similarly, however, it must be underlined how the push of eco-incentives has been decisive in allowing the electric market to reach numbers never touched before.

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