mind-blowing power at the Nurburgring (VIDEO)

mind-blowing power at the Nurburgring (VIDEO)
mind-blowing power at the Nurburgring (VIDEO)

Crazy performances from BYD, with it going from SUVs to supercars as if nothing had happened.

It is now clear and clear for everyone to see that China has now become one of the main nations in terms of car production. The main giant that is showing off in this sector is the BYD. The Asian company has developed in such a way that it can not only create top-of-the-range SUVs, but is now also launching into supercars.

BYD, from SUVs to supercars (flopgear.it)

SUVs had to be the starting point to be talked about in Europe, also because the Old Continent is in love with these exceptional models nowadays. This can be seen from the fact that in 2023 the registration of these cars was 51%, with the BYD which has been able to establish itself on the market like few others.

However, the Chinese company does not want to limit itself only to this sector, but has ambitions of a certain level. For this reason it has recently highlighted itself in one of the lands of world speed, with the Nurburgring which was the theater of the first tests for that supercar that could make BYD make the big leap in quality in the collective imagination, with the results that were extraordinary.

BYD Yangwang U9: the record video

Nowadays everyone wants to show off their supercars, with the BYD who has done his job to the fullest thanks to the Yangwang U9. This is an extraordinary model, so much so that it is based on a powertrain that can deliver up to a crazy peak speed of 1305 horsepower.

BYD Yangwang U9 (BYD Press Media – flopgear.it)

Impressive numbers, also because they allow you to reach a maximum peak of over 300 km/h and acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h takes place in just 2.36 seconds. Inside there is also the Blade Battery (LFP) da ben 80 kWh, which gives this particular brand the ability to stay on the road for a total range of 465 km on a single charge.

The car was recently tested at the Nurburgring, with CarSpyMedia who filmed the test. A car that draws applause and that undoubtedly pleases those who will be lucky enough to be able to purchase it, with a cost of 1.68 million Chinese Yuan, which corresponds to 216 thousand Euros, a price in keeping with the value of the Chinese supercar that makes you dream.

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