In Friuli, a total of 114 tax evaders and 153 ‘illegal’ workers were discovered

In Friuli, a total of 114 tax evaders and 153 ‘illegal’ workers were discovered
In Friuli, a total of 114 tax evaders and 153 ‘illegal’ workers were discovered

Balance sheet of a year and a half of activity of the Guardia di Finanza of Udine, which celebrates its 250th anniversary

The Fiamme Gialle of the Provincial Command of Udine celebrated the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Corps in the Loggia del Lionello, in the presence of civil and military authorities. For the occasion, An exhibition of cars and service vehicles was set up in Piazza Libertàwith the presence of soldiers belonging to different specialties, such as the Green Basques, the Alpine Rescue and the dog units.

Time to take stock: the numbers of a year and a half of activity

As every year, the Anniversary represents the moment to take stock of the activities. From January 2023 to May 2024, the Udine Financial Police carried out 5,193 inspections (of which 2,043 relating to telematic fees) e 772 investigations to combat economic-financial crimes and the infiltration of crime into the economy: an all-round commitment to protect families and businessesset to intensify further for ensure the correct allocation of resources from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Fight against fraud and tax evasion

The inspection activities made it possible to identify a total of 114 tax evadersi.e. carrying out business or self-employed activities completely unknown to the tax authorities, and 153 undeclared or irregular workers. Furthermore, discovered 5 cases of international tax evasionmainly attributable to hidden stable organisations, transfer price manipulation and the illicit holding of capital across borders.

146 people have been reported for tax crimes, of which three have been arrested. Non-existent or high tax risk subsidized tax credits in construction and energy matters reported to the Revenue Agency, as well as assets profiting from tax evasion and tax fraud seized, worth 126,837,074 euros.

They have been advanced 11 proposals for termination of the VAT number and cancellation from the Vies databasetowards economic entities characterized by profiles of fiscal risk.

The 74 excise duty interventions allowed the seizure of 194,912 kilos of energy products. 30 customs controls on goods instead introduced into the national territory in tax evasion, counterfeit or in violation of safety regulations.

The anti-smuggling activities have led to identify 11,183 kilograms of foreign manufactured tobacco subjected to seizure and reporting by six people.

Protection of public spending, between Pnrr and citizen’s income

The activity of the Financial Police to protect public spending aims, first of all, to verify the correct use of the resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. In this context they were 77 operations performed on works and services subject to public tenders for a value of 3,168,515 euros.

Attention is also paid to the protection of other European Union resources, including aid provided for by the Common Agricultural Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy. In this regard, an intervention was conducted and ascertained fraud, carried out through the presentation of false property titles, for 721,867 euros and reporting three perpetrators.

On the national public spending front, in the same period, 428 interventions were carried out, of which 133 related to citizenship income and new inclusion and support measures for training and work.

Action to combat fraud overall led to the ascertainment of contributions unduly received amounting to 796,867 euros while those relating to national funding, social security and welfare spending are 2,808,478 euros.

15 million in treasury damages discovered

As part of the collaboration with the Judicial Authority – criminal and accounting – 29 surveys were carried out on public spending the outcome of which they were 194 subjects reported and 73 responsible persons reported to the regional Court of Auditorswith the verification of Treasury damages for 15,679,535 euros.

Collaboration in the area with the European Public Prosecutor’s Office is growingwith which an investigation was developed that led to denunciation of two managers and the execution of seizures for 433,854 euros.

On the subject of procurement, assignment procedures and methods of execution of works and services for 47,521,902 euros were monitored. The action of the Corps in combating corruption phenomena and other crimes against the Public Administration has led to the reporting of 17 people.

Fight against organized crime

In the area of ​​recycling and self-laundering, 19 interventions were carried outwhich led to the 29 people reported, 6 of whom were arrestedand the reconstruction of illicit operations for 38,731,805 euros (established recycling value). They were investigated further 260 suspicious financial flows generated by the operators of the anti-money laundering prevention system.

The Corps’ action continued to protect savers in combating every form of banking and financial illegality, carried out mainly through electronic channels and increasingly innovative digital tools, with the report of a person in charge.

At the land, sea and air borders, 92 checks were carried out on the circulation of currency with the discovery of illicit movements for 1,105,614 euros, the verification of 50 violations as well as the seizure of counterfeit currency, securities and certificates for 265,100 euros.

In terms of bankruptcy crimes and the business crisis code, the diverted assets amount to 4,930,564 euros.

In application of anti-mafia legislation, six people were subjected to asset checks. They were then carried out 459 investigations following requests received from the Prefects of the Republicthe majority of which (457) refer to checks functional to the release of anti-mafia documentation.

Almost 200 kilos of drugs seized. 53 people reported

The Corps Departments seized 198,244 kilos of narcotic substances, reporting 53 subjects (of which four are under arrest) e reporting 136 to the Prefects.

In terms of protection of the goods and services market, 1,697 interventions were carried out, 37 powers of the Judicial Authority were developed and 146 subjects were reported. Following these activities were 630,684 counterfeit products were seized, with false indication of being made in Italy, unsafe and in violation of copyright law.

Public order and safety services

In 2023, the interventions carried out by the Alpine Rescue Stations of Tarvisio and Tolmezzo were 108 and they were allowed to bring 149 people to safety and recover 16 lifeless bodies. The activity of the Alpine sector, which is also continuing in 2024, it has allowed 30 operations to be carried out to date and 58 people saved.

In 2023 the Udine Financial Police employed a total of 4,282 man-days in public order services on the occasion of demonstrations, sporting events, international meetings and other events. This commitment, which is continuing into 2024, has led to an overall use of 5,470 man-days in public order services.

Since October 2023, the Departments have been employed in control activities at the internal land borders with Slovenia. So far they have been employed 2,825 patrols in fixed protection services and dynamic surveillance of the border area. 24,302 people have been identified. 15,969 civilian vehicles and 1,298 commercial vehicles checked.

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