Revenue Agency, the last deadline of 730 that you absolutely must not forget: it would be an unforgivable mistake

Revenue Agency, the last deadline of 730 that you absolutely must not forget: it would be an unforgivable mistake
Revenue Agency, the last deadline of 730 that you absolutely must not forget: it would be an unforgivable mistake

Filling out Form 730 is essential for a correct tax return. Here is the date not to forget.

These are the very hot months of tax declaration. A crucial step in our economic and fiscal life which, every year, falls precisely in this period which also marks the beginning of the great heat. And so, there we were sweating, among paperwork and forms. But it’s up to us. Correct compilation is essential. AND pay attention to deadlines, the last one is the most important.

Correct filling out of Form 730 is essential – (

Filling out your 730 and your tax return correctly is very important, not only to obviously remain within the legal deadlines. But also to be able to take advantage of refunds and deductions at a later time. These months, in fact, are those in which we not only recover our unique certifications which attest to our income, but in which we also go looking for receipts, invoices, not only in the healthcare sector.

As is known, in recent years, there have been many bonuses and incentives for the purchase and installation, for example, of household appliances. The point is that all this must be documented with detailed maps. The advice, obviously, is to keep everything in order from the moment of payment, so that you can then recover everything easily. Not only: rely on professionals in the sector as accountants and labor consultants it can make the difference in compiling everything correctly. And, of course, also for don’t forget important dates like the one we’re telling you about today.

Last call for 730: the date not to forget

In fact, Italian taxpayers had four more days to cancel their 730/2024 form. This extension, granted by the Revenue Agency, allowed the pre-compiled declaration to be canceled until 11.59pm on Monday 24th June, extending the original deadline of 20th June. And for those who missed it?

Model 730: the communication from the Revenue Agency photo: Ansa – (

The extension concerned taxpayers who had already submitted their pre-filled 730/2024 model online, independently. It also applied to those who submitted the 730 + “Redditi correttovo” model, both with and without F24, as communicated by the Revenue Agency itself. After canceling the 730 model, taxpayers could submit a new declaration after a waiting period of 24/48 hours. This operation does not establish consequences on the reimbursement times.

If the June 24 deadline is exceeded, the 730 form can be perfected or corrected until October 15, 2024. This can happen through the “Additional income” or the “Corrective income”. If this deadline is also missed, the only option left to correct the declaration will be to resort to “Supplementary income”.

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