Lazio Region, the Energy Tender for SMEs begins Il Tirreno

ROME (ITALPRESS) – The new measure of the Lazio Region “Energy Efficiency and Renewables for Businesses” was presented today in Rome, which supports investments for energy saving and for the production of energy from renewable sources by companies in Lazio. The meeting was attended by Roberta Angelilli, vice-president of the Lazio Region and councilor for Economic Development, Commerce, Crafts, Industry, Internationalisation; Elena Palazzo, councilor for Tourism, Environment, Sport, Climate Change, Energy Transition, Sustainability of the Lazio Region; Lorenzo Tagliavanti, president of the Rome Chamber of Commerce; Agostino Re Rebaudengo, president of Elettricità Futura; Fabrizio Penna, head of the Mission Unit department for the PNRR of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security.
During the press conference, the tender was illustrated, which with a total allocation of 40 million euros from resources of the 2021-2027 ERDF Programme, supports investments for energy saving and for the production of energy from renewable sources by companies in Lazio . The contribution is non-repayable.
Each project must be worth no less than 150 thousand euros with a maximum contribution of 2 million euros for each project. There is no maximum cap on the value of the project.
The projects must include investments to improve the energy efficiency of production processes and/or buildings, which can be combined with those for the production of energy from renewable sources.
The contribution relating to investments for the production of energy from renewable sources cannot exceed 50% of the total financeable amount for the entire project.
Interested companies can apply online, via Lazio Innova’s GeCoWEB Plus platform. The procedure is available over the counter and will open on Monday 16 September 2024, until available resources are exhausted.
“The tender is the first implementation tool as part of an integrated energy strategy which allocates approximately 160 million of the new programming and which the Lazio Region implements for the green transition of Lazio companies – declared the vice-president Roberta Angelilli -. For this reason, the Region has prepared a set of measures that are created with the aim of corresponding to a variety of needs, both through financial instruments and through non-repayable grants, which can also be integrated with each other. The Lazio Region intends to offer a new opportunity to regional companies to speed up the energy transition and therefore make them more competitive. The 40 million tender aims to involve businesses and generate significant private investments. The Lazio Region therefore confirms itself at the forefront in strategies for increasing the efficiency of production cycles and relevant properties and for the development of new green energy systems”.
“I am very satisfied with the team work carried out in the Region which has allowed us, with this notice, to allocate substantial resources to accompany our companies towards the ambitious objective of making them more competitive and at the same time sustainable through support for investments aimed at ‘energy efficiency and energy production from renewable sources – explained councilor Elena Palazzo -. This will allow us to support various businesses in the Lazio production sector.”
“In the current scenario, the “Energy Efficiency and Renewables for Business” tender represents a crucial challenge for our industrial policy – ​​declared Fabrizio Penna, head of the Department of the PNRR Mission Unit at the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security – . It is the right tool that will allow our companies to undertake a virtuous path to overcome the challenge of the green transition, synergistically combining energy efficiency and productivity, in an era in which geoeconomic structures are being redesigned”.
“In addition to investments in capital goods, the measure is also aimed at the formation of a new way of thinking about energy, which is increasingly oriented towards innovation, competitiveness and value creation in the European and global context. Furthermore, with the approval of this tender, the fruitful cooperation between the institutions of the country system has been consolidated, already tested in the previous months through exchanges and positive discussions both at a technical and political level. Italy is thus committed to actively supporting Italian companies in the transition towards a more sustainable economy, which promotes promotion, economic growth, environmental protection, social cohesion and energy efficiency”, concluded Penna.
“The companies in the electricity sector represented by Elettricità Futura warmly welcome the opportunities opened by the Energy Notice of the Lazio Region to spread the advantages of renewable energy and energy efficiency for the benefit of industrial competitiveness – underlined Agostino Re Rebaudengo, president of Future Electricity -. This call is the first step in a series of measures that the Region plans to launch to accelerate the ecological transition of companies in the area. I hope that the proactivity of the Lazio Region will be an example for the other Regions in promoting effective systemic action that will leverage private investments and to which the 2024 CER Call of the Rome Chamber of Commerce is also connected, which by making vouchers available for businesses it will encourage the diffusion of Renewable Energy Communities”.
During the meeting, the Rome Chamber of Commerce presented the “CER Announcement – Renewable Energy Communities 2024”.
“Today we are presenting tenders that aim to strengthen the business system in Lazio, in an area of ​​crucial importance such as the energy transition.
The task of the institutions is precisely to support businesses, especially in times of transformation and difficulty. With the Rocca Council we share a strong commitment to supporting the competitiveness of the local entrepreneurial fabric. Specifically, the Rome Chamber of Commerce today presents the “CER – Renewable Energy Communities” tender which aims to encourage the adoption of innovative tools for the production and consumption of energy from renewable sources by companies in Rome and its province. Our institution has allocated one million euros for this measure, resources that are available to support the establishment of the new Renewable Energy Communities (CER) through non-repayable contributions”, declared Lorenzo Tagliavanti, president of the Rome Chamber of Commerce.

– photo Lazio Innova press office –

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