Can we know where the incentive funds went?

Where did the missing incentive funds go, asks Mario? For the moment, unfortunately, no one knows. Send questions and observations to [email protected].

Federauto and UNRAE also denounce the “disappearance” of 178 million euros

GVery kind, I had inquired about purchasing an electric car but I was left out of the assigned bonuses which “evaporated” in a few hours.

incentive funds
The Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso (photo from the ministry’s website).

However, I read that the “disappearance” of 178.3 million was reported by UNRAE and Federauto as indicated, among other things, in an article published by Qui Finanza.

Is it possible to have some clarification on this?

Thank you very much. Mario Boldrini

A mess that will have to be cleared up

Question markAnswer- There is so much confusion under the sky of Rome, that’s for sure. We invite you to read what Vaielettrico reported on June 5. Incentives over, goodbye Model 3 (and I lost 250 euros). Thanks to Mirco, a very meticulous reader, we have in fact reported the ballet of figures that has preceded the click day of June 3rd on the official “Ecobonus” page of the Mise (now Mimit).

In the space of a few days, the total amount of funds available for the pure electric incentive reported on the site is passed several times from 178 million, to zero, then to 201 million and again to 172 million. This also in the hours immediately preceding the official opening of the platform to apply, set for 10am on 3 June.

ecoincentivesSubsequently, the same Ministry announced that the incentive funds “burned” in 8 and a half hours were in total “around 200 million” (read here). In short, we are faced with a mystery which has not yet been clarified. Only the Ministry can do it, indeed it will have to do it, detailing the figures.

We can just speculate that the 178 million were the residue of the old 2023 incentiveswhich remained in force until the green light for the new 2024 version. An additional 240 million had already been allocated for this year, then reduced by 20 to support the South. Therefore, starting from hypothetical 418 million, we “land” on a real figure less than half. Where did the unused and other appropriations go lost along the way is unknown.

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