There’s a code you need to learn to find out how long your car will last. Only mechanics know it

There’s a code you need to learn to find out how long your car will last. Only mechanics know it
There’s a code you need to learn to find out how long your car will last. Only mechanics know it

Raise your hand if you’ve ever looked at your car’s expiration date? Yes, we are not crazy, even for vehicles it is possible to know how long they will last. Generally only mechanics know this, but today we want to reveal it to you.

The Automobiles they are wonderful inventions, as they improve our lives, “taking us” where we want, effortlessly and above all in the blink of an eye compared to reaching the destination on foot.

Like all things you will have to lend it regular maintenance, as the machines require checks and various changes, be it oil, tires, brake pads and so on. Despite this attention, we would dare say almost obsessive, that we should have with our little gem, know that a car, being in any case a mechanical deviceit won’t last forever.

You have to take it into account many factors that determine its lifespan, for example poor maintenance, wear and tear, accidents, electronic problems and so on, are all points against you that could greatly reduce what should be the maximum operating date.

In the absence of various problems, however, we are able to tell you how much they should last your cars, not everyone knows this but each one has a very specific expiry date that only mechanics know. Here the ancient mystery is revealed.

The expiry date for hybrid and electric cars

It’s good for you to know that too excessive use of the car could greatly reduce the years it has left. This is why we want to talk to you today very generic, starting from a vehicle that is used moderately, has not been involved in accidents and above all that receives constant maintenance. As regards the hybrid carsthe maximum performance is achieved when a mileage of 250,000-300,000 kmOnce these are exceeded, problems could begin. Furthermore, their battery has an overall life of 10 years.

The electric cars however, if you recharge regularly and correctly, they will be “in shape” until 150,000 kmwith a battery life of 8 years. Afterwards it’s not that they won’t work anymore, but just like a smartphone, they could start to have some performance problems.

This is how long a car lasts – Source: Depositphotos –

The expiry date for petrol and diesel cars

Like the previous two types of cars, petrol and diesel cars also have a Expiration date, that few people know about. The matter is always the same as in the previous paragraph, our estimate is based on the quality of life of the standard car. So, for the petrol carsit has been estimated that if they are always kept in good condition, they could last up to 15 yearswith a mileage of 250,000 and 300,000 km.

The diesel car instead, they last even longer, as we speak of 20 years, with a maximum mileage of 400,000 km. Even in this case, to hope to reach these numbers, there are a whole series of factors to take into consideration. In any case, if you take constant care of it and don’t exceed the mileage too much, you will have a good chance of making the most of your investment.

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