» Villa Lempa, the children donate a book exchange house to the community

» Villa Lempa, the children donate a book exchange house to the community
» Villa Lempa, the children donate a book exchange house to the community

Headmistress Renzi: “We would like to create a circular reading system accessible to all”

A wooden house made by children and, inside, dozens of books available to the community. This is the initiative of the Villa Lempa primary school, which, during two Pon projects held in the last two weeks, chose to have a Service Learning experience by building a real little house to be installed in the center of the town and in front of the school complex, in Piazza del Mercato and to be used for the free exchange of books, according to the logic of sustainability, equity, sharing, free and free access for all to reading.
“The idea – explains Sandra Renzi, head teacher of the IC Civitella-Torricella – is not just to read “used” books, but rather to put a text into circulation, “free it” so that it can be reached by other readers, creating a circular reading system accessible to all. To achieve it, we chose to involve children in an activity that intertwines service to the community and school learning, combining “service”, i.e. active citizenship and commitment to the common good, with “learning”, i.e. to the development of skills relating to curricular learning”.
The project was curated by teachers Emanuela D’Evangelista, Tania Di Simone, Candida Pennaroli and Andrea Sbranchella, who accompanied the primary school children in personally creating the wooden house, which was initially designed with drawings and creative ideas, then built using recycled and sustainable materials and finally decorated with paintings and messages. Not only. After inserting some books, the children also organized an inauguration during which the school officially donated its product to the Villa Lempa community.
“This is a starting point – concludes Sandra Renzi –. From today begins the challenge of making the book house live, while continuing to animate our places”.

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