Festival of Ideas, Nafisi opens among the most awaited guests Baricco – Books – Il libro in piazza

Festival of Ideas, Nafisi opens among the most awaited guests Baricco – Books – Il libro in piazza
Festival of Ideas, Nafisi opens among the most awaited guests Baricco – Books – Il libro in piazza

The Iranian writer Azar Nafisi will inaugurate the sixth edition of the Festival of Ideas, dedicated to Exploring the Unknown, which will take place from 23 September to 28 October between Mestre and Venice with her latest book Reading Dangerously (Adelphi). Forty guests with among the most awaited Alessandro Baricco, Gabriele Vacis and Roberto Tarasco, accompanied by the actors of the Scuola del Teatro Stabile di Torino directed by Vacis who bring to the theater a choral reading, on the occasion of the 30 years of the twentieth century, enriched with memories and stories. Also announced at the Festival were the singer and actress Ute Lemper, the producer and director Trudie Styler, Sting’s wife, in love with Italy, the lectio magistralis of Umberto Galimberti and Massimo Recalcati, the poet Franco Arminio, Linus who celebrates 40 years of career , the Patriarch of Venice Francesco Moraglia, Paola Turci with Gino Castaldo, Gianluca Gotto, Gloria Campaner. In November special event with Father Antonio Spadaro, undersecretary of the Vatican Dicastery for Culture and Education, who will close the festival with the encounter Jesus in five senses. Who do you say I am? Vincenzo Schettini returns by popular demand with a lesson-show.

The Festival, which last year saw over 22 thousand attendees, is growing and expanding into new spaces from Venetian theaters to the Toniolo Theater in Mestre, to universities, cultural centers and museum centers with traditional events at the M9 – Museo del ‘900 of Mestre up to the Rama Pavilion of Ulss3 and the Venice Library Network.

Among the new sections are Speeches on music with protagonists of the contemporary scene. 700 years after the death of Marco Polo, the writer Alberto Toso Fei will recall the figure of the great explorer. The focus on travel-related topics by the director of Lonely Planet Italia Angelo Pittro returns. Focus on words with the journalist Federica Augusta Rossi.

For the first time in Venice, Maestro Roberto Cacciapaglia on a journey through his compositions on the piano.

Giuseppe Culicchia with The Book of Impossible Love (HarperCollins). The journalist Antonio Di Bella with stories and anecdotes from his life on the front line. Also at the Festival are the writer, scientist and popularizer Licia Troisi, the writer Teresa Ciabatti, the journalist Candida Morvillo, the actress Debora Villa who created an ad hoc piece for the Festival, L’ignaro ignoto, the critic and art historian Flavio Caroli.

On September 28th meeting with the doctor Franco Berrino. Filippo Ongaro, for years doctor of astronauts at the European Space Agency, will share a reflection on how to achieve a balanced and harmonious life and Roberto Burioni will explain the nature and functioning of viruses. Also spotlighted on news and current affairs with the journalist and writer Lucio Luca and his latest book La notte dell’Antimafia. The Literary Music Party is dedicated to generation Z, which takes advantage of a phenomenon that exploded in New York with dozens of students who will read extracts from their favorite books, accompanied by the band led by Fabio Caon.

Sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, among the Great Events of the Veneto Region, with the patronage and contribution of the Municipality of Venice, the Festival, created by Marilisa Capuano, will be broadcast for some meetings in live streaming by CorriereTV. Some events will have free entry, others with a fee.

Pre-sales will be open from mid-July, while for the free events bookings – mandatory – will begin from mid-August.

Info on www.festivalidee.it

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