The Mountain Book Festival animates Sparone with the stories of those who believe in the mountains

The Mountain Book Festival animates Sparone with the stories of those who believe in the mountains
The Mountain Book Festival animates Sparone with the stories of those who believe in the mountains


After last year’s success, expectations for the new edition of the Sparone High Books Festival are even higher, especially because the program includes the story of a territory. Lively, animated, full of willing people who love the mountains and want to enhance it, in many different ways and with many different proposals: the appointment is set for next weekend, from Friday 28th to Sunday 30th June.

The mountain, protagonist of people’s books and stories, is at the center of everything and this year local authors also have a lot of space at the Sparone literary festival. Paola Ronfetti, who for six years has been part of the board of directors of Sparone nel cuore, the association that organizes and promotes the literary festival, tells the story: «Giving voice and space to our Canavese authors is one of the great changes of this edition. The opening day on Friday is completely dedicated to them. Sharing an idea, that of love for our mountains, is what characterizes the 2024 program. Not only writers, in fact, but also entrepreneurs, many young people, who have a lot to say and propose to liven up the area. From Marco Rolando to Raffaella Miravalle, respectively a writer and craftsman well known throughout the Canavese area and a park ranger who has appeared on television several times, we will give space to all those who love our valleys.”

The interviews with those who live and promote the mountains are also new to this edition: «Saturday is their day. The interviews, which will be presented during the event, were carried out by a videomaker originally from Ribordone, who now works in Milan. Many of the entrepreneurs interviewed are young and we ranged throughout the territory of our valleys, from Sparone to Ceresole, from Valprato Soana to Frassinetto. We received a wonderful welcome from everyone and the great desire to do things was palpable. There are 20 interviews, visible in full on the social page of the Festival and the association, and from all of them emerges the desire to enhance our territory. Furthermore, we have tried to include activities and associations also in the organization, as in the case of Gastronomia Laboroi, or the Struengiu group in Riburda. Then there are the long-standing collaborations, such as those with the La Motta group and Ij Canteir, of Sparone and Pont Canavese, but also the Unione montana and all the Municipalities of this slice of territory”.

If last year there were around a thousand participants in the two-day program, in 2024 the aim is to improve turnout: «We have an event that lasts from Friday to Sunday, with many people involved who will be close to us during the activities plan. We have involved many entities to make people talk more and more about the Festival of High Sea Books and increase the number of users who will reach us.”

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