‘Pitei ‘n noir’ between books and stories. The dark fascination of crimes and mysteries

‘Pitei ‘n noir’ between books and stories. The dark fascination of crimes and mysteries
‘Pitei ‘n noir’ between books and stories. The dark fascination of crimes and mysteries

Black is back in Pitelli: the town’s Pro Loco organizes for the eighth edition the review of books and stories “Pitei ‘n noir”, which has now become a fixed appointment for lovers of the mystery-thriller genre, among the pages of the authors of the territory and beyond. Many writers have ventured into this genre and have and will stop in the church square in the heart of the village, satisfying enthusiasts and giving residents a new opportunity to get together and socialize: on Friday 18th Susanna Raule will present “Minerva in flames ” (Mondadori), Friday 5 July will be the turn of Beppe Mecconi, together with a representation of the 12 authors of the collection “Giallo come il Golfo” (Edizioni Gammarò), while on Friday 12 July Maria Grazia Innocenti will be the protagonist with “Il peso dell’ deception” (Fba Publisher), event moderated by Marco Della Croce.

“Given the ever-growing interest in this type of literature, it is strange to believe that, to date, this event is still the only one of its kind in the whole province – underlines the curator Corrado Pelagotti –; in recent years, authoritative people have participated authors, both local and from other Italian cities. Each edition has been characterized by an exquisite welcome and, in particular, by extensive public participation. Since ancient times, man has been fascinated by the psychological mechanisms that are activated in “human soul when an extraordinary event triggers a destructive process that inevitably leads to criminal events”.

And it goes back to the origins, with top-level examples. “The ‘psychological’ novel, starting from “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky, investigates precisely the reasons that lead the human conscience to conceive and accept the idea and consequences of actions that produce morally illicit events, and on the catharsis of the subsequent repentance. No other literary genre lends itself as well as the “crime” genre to representing such dangerous and at the same time fascinating mental processes. And no audience can resist the attraction of a mystery to be solved”. Pitei ‘n noir is not only literature, but also a connection with the country: this is demonstrated by the story of Simone Ravani, graphic designer and creator of the poster, a young Pitellese native who works abroad, but always makes himself available for his country.


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