evening of poetry and music in the library –

evening of poetry and music in the library –
evening of poetry and music in the library –

ABC – Associazione Bernardo Cinquetti presents an evening of poetry and music with the verses of Costanza Canali and the sax of Michele Vignali, Wednesday 19 June at 6.30 pm at the Libreria I Libri di Mary in via Vietta 1 in San Pancrazio.

The poet from Parma will present her new book “Sogni Liquidi” (Argentodorato Editore) in conversation with Giacomo Carrara, accompanied by the notes of Vignali, Vinicio Capossela’s saxophonist.

Costanza Canali is on her third book: before Sogni Liquidi she published the poetry collections Nebbia (Ibiskos, 2000) and Nuvole Spesse (Diabasis, 2015). A winner of literary prizes, she carries out volunteer work at the Cittadella Solidale library in Parma and in the city’s museums.

“We present this book first and foremost because it is true poetry – explains Grazia Cinquetti, president of ABC -, but we are doubly pleased because the author is one of our first-time associates.
ABC was born with the aim of promoting cultural activities linked to the great legacy of ideas, ideas and artistic and intellectual materials left by Bernardo Cinquetti and other artists and authors who, like Bernardo, have interesting things to say. Costanza and her “Liquid Dreams” are fully part of the artistic and cultural proposal that we carry forward in Bernardo’s memory”.

Entrance to the evening is free and the location has ample parking.

For info:
Abc:[email protected]
Mary’s books: 0521977528 – [email protected]

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