Presentation of the book “Poems of more and less” by Daniela D’Errico at the UniPopolare in Galatina

Presentation of the book “Poems of more and less” by Daniela D’Errico at the UniPopolare in Galatina
Presentation of the book “Poems of more and less” by Daniela D’Errico at the UniPopolare in Galatina

This afternoon, at 6.30 pm, in the conference room of the “De Maria” Palace, in Corte Taddeo, the Popular University of Galatina will present the book of poems “Poems of more and less” by our member and fellow citizen Daniela D’ Eric. The editor of the preface, councilor Daniela Vantaggiato, will dialogue with the author.

Marco Graziuso, with his always appreciated voice, will have the task of giving sound life to the verses of our poetess.

The collection was published by Edizioni Manni in October 2023, in whose catalog we find another of his books, “Tracce di Eden” from 2015, with an introduction by Giovanni Invitto, while his “Allucinare è bello” from 2005 with a preface by Lucio Romano and “Echi Caldi d’Azzurro” from 2010, edited by Aldo Bello and Antonio Errico, are both from Edizioni Il Campanile: the latter represent the three booklets of his previous poetic experience.

In this latest poetic collection “lightness as a reaction to the weight of living in Calvino’s way”, underlined in the preface, is closely united with reason and feeling.

As we read on the back cover, “the common thread is a rationality that is inserted into the accumulation of memories, regrets, affections that are always measured with the present time. Poetry almost furtively comes out into the open, it gives life to a whole organically built on the rhythm and in the sense of trust in the future, even among the worries of yesterday, when memories are held and among the certainties of today, which are the maturity of friendships , the real objects present in the house, the places in the area that speak of childhood and today”.

Again Daniela Vantaggiato concludes her introduction like this: “The words of the last text with which Daniela D’Errico’s fourth editorial effort ends help us to enter into the songs, they offer us a key to understanding and making sense of her poetry. They act as a balance and synthesis of all the presences expressed in the individual texts and lead into the future of a single verse to come, that of the nightingale, a fairy-tale, melodic, new and ancient echo of poetry”.

Make life into verse

Comes now / to put an end / to my di-verso game. / Loves, nostalgia / unexpected rises / and more / cumbersome mothers / unheard Cassandres / and tender dads: / all resolved / in three booklets ago? // Making verses out of life/ makes the heart light/ until it flies/ together with Peter Pan/ in the enchanted garden/ where only one verse/ now remains in my hand:/ that of a nightingale.

Mario Graziuso

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NEXT Paride Vitale, the presentation of the new book “D’amore e d’Abruzzo” at MAXXI (with Victoria Cabello)