Reggio Calabria, presented at Palazzo San Giorgio ‘Los que comen’

Below is the press release from the Municipality of Reggio Calabria on the presentation at Palazzo San Giorgio of the book “Los que comen” by the Spanish writer Alberto Cascón Martín.

“Before I only suspected it, now I’m certain: Calabria has one of the most beautiful seas I’ve ever seen”.

There is all the love for Calabria in the words of Alberto Cascón Martín, author of the book “Los que comen”, presented this morning in the Chandelier Hall of Palazzo San Giorgio and final event of the “International Days of Friendship Reggio-Spain”. A specialized doctor, Cascón Martín arrived in Calabria six years ago on the trail of one of his youth idols, Cesare Pavese. It was his stay in Brancaleone for eight months that also inspired a trip to Calabria for a young doctor who had just specialized.

This morning, after the greetings of the director of the “Cilea” Conservatory of Reggio Calabria, Francesco Romano, and of Giuseppina Cassalia representing the director of the National Archaeological Museum, it was the turn of the deputy mayor of Reggio Calabria, Paolo Brunetti, who put highlighting how the three days organized by the “Calabria-Spain” association, chaired by Rita Fontana, were «full of events and positive contaminations».

Brunetti he underlined the desire of the municipal administration to “continue strengthening the friendly relationship between Calabria and Spain”. The president Fountaininstead, he relaunched an idea:

“Call the Spanish citizens residing in the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria, bring them together and create an association, multiplying the quality and quantity of this interconnection”.

The professor introduced the presentation of Cascón Martín’s volume Maria José Leal Cariñenawhich highlighted how the author of “Los quevienen” immerses himself in the beauty and complexity of Calabria, making it become:

“A vehicle for reflections on universal themes. All through friendships and misunderstandings, dynamics between different people, visions and expectations. It is a novel that makes us reflect on how our differences are sources of wealth. The book is an invitation to open our eyes and hearts to the reality that surrounds us, valuing differences and building bridges of understanding. The novel – concluded Leal Cariñena – surprises for its depth and ability to connect with the reader”.

The words of Alberto Cascón Martín

The author began by stating how the two months spent in Calabria convinced him to then write a book that talks about «how two people of different origins can understand and help each other». If there is one aspect that Alberto Cascón Martin he brings with him from Calabria is certainly the “great hospitality I received”. But not only:

“I saw that here there are people who struggle a lot to be able to change this world which becomes a little unfair for what some regions experience”.

Alberto Cascón Martín has often heard and seen Calabria associated with mafiabut he has a very different concept:

“After I returned from Spain, I was looking for some films that talked about Calabria, but I only found films that talked about the mafia. I wanted to do something different, because the reality that I have experienced here tells me that in these territories there is not only the mafia”.

Cascón Martín closes with a joke:

“Why have I returned to Calabria now? No, not because of the book, but because here is the honey best I’ve ever eaten. And I wanted to eat it another time.”


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NEXT Paride Vitale, the presentation of the new book “D’amore e d’Abruzzo” at MAXXI (with Victoria Cabello)