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Giovanna Sannino asks fans to sign her copy of the “Mare Fuori” book

Giovanna Sannino asks fans to sign her copy of the “Mare Fuori” book
Giovanna Sannino asks fans to sign her copy of the “Mare Fuori” book

The roles between fans and stars are reversed thanks to the idea of Giovanna Sanninothan to advertise the first official novel taken from the series that gave her success, “Sea outside – The forms of love” published by Solferinowent around her city a get your copy of the book signed own come on his followersposting the video on his social media.

«When they asked me to sponsor the novel, at first some slightly commercial ideas came to mind, for example taking a photo with the book in my hands, or reading a passage from my character». The Neapolitan actress born in 2000, known for the role of Carmela in the branded phenomenon series Rai. «However, they seemed to me to be somewhat superficial choices, which didn’t have the strength to really leave their mark, while I wanted to create something with impact: we’re talking about a book, not the usual gadget taken from the series».

There are those who remained shockedin disbelief at the proposal of their darling; others took the opportunity to leave her the cellphone number, hoping to be contacted again; still others have left warm dedications to her, thanking her for his spontaneity and its talent.

«Recently I did several meet and greets with fans, who asked me for autographs and dedications, including on book. So, suddenly, the enlightenment: why not myself ask those who follow me for a signature or a dedication or whatever they want to leave me? I really care about establishing a relationship with the people who follow me, which I don’t like to define “fan”, because they are in fact spectators who accompany me on my journey. I like meeting them and, when possible, even stopping to have a chat with them. I don’t know them and, despite this, they are capable of transmitting great affection to me. Therefore, given that very little is enough to make them happy – be it a photo or a video together – as soon as I had the opportunity to reciprocate their support, why not do it?».

Sannino is humbledespite her large following on social media, so much so that she didn’t expect to be recognized on the street, dressed in a simple white t-shirt with the writing “J’adore Napoli” and blue jeans.

«I was surprised by the huge amount, even too much, of videos that I managed to collect for advertising. I even had to sort through the many guys who stopped me and wanted to leave me a thought. Everyone then took time to think about what message to leave me: he made me think. Usually, I leave standardized dedications, who are similar, because of the rush and, also, because I am addressing people I don’t know, while the guys I stopped on the contrary know a lot about me: they wrote me really intimate and personal things, each one left a message one of a kind. It was really nice to reverse roles for once. We all tend to mythologize our idols a bit, covering them with a mystical aura, exalting them, so much, at times, that we forget that they are people like everyone else, with normal daily routines.”

The novel published by Solferinowritten by Angela Lombardohe tells him narrated events in first seasons of fiction, giving voice to everyone his personages: from cult faces to the less well-known, from the fixed cast to the passing figures of the first seasons. Through 12 chapters the different protagonists take turns telling their stories in the first person and revealing themselves details about your past which didn’t find space during the series. As well as numerous unpublished scenesalso appear new characterswhich tell of origins and backstory of the most loved characters in fiction: Carmine, Philip, Naditza, Cardiotrap, Maximum, Paola, Edward And Teresaallowing even those who have never seen the series to become passionate about their stories.


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