A mural for Europe – Taranto Good evening

Art as a universal message, as an immediate and impactful language. “EU Street Art” is the initiative launched by Representation in Italy of the European Commission. Local administrations and associations from seven Italian regions were involved in the creation of open-air public art works to raise awareness of the main current European issues and the results achieved by the European Union (EU) in the last five years.

“EU Street Art” stops in Puglia Grottaglie, in the province of Tarantocenter of excellence in the production of artistic ceramics. The official presentation of the initiative will be held on Wednesday 5 June 2024 with a press conference, at 10:00 am, in the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Grottaglie. Speakers will include Mayor Ciro D’Alò; Massimo Pronio, Communications Manager of the European Commission Representation in Italy (connecting from Rome); Annachiara Stefanucci, Head of Europe Direct Taranto, Pietro Antonio Lenti, organizer of the Outside Festival. The artist Giorgio Bartocci, author of the mural, will also connect remotely. Immediately afterwards, the commemorative plaque of the event will be unveiled via Partigiani fallen, 57 (at the entrance to the city) where the building work was carried out.

The Europe Direct Center of Taranto enthusiastically accepted the invitation of the European Commission Representation in Italy to support the “Eu Street Art” campaign as a sign of the EU’s closeness to citizens. The choice fell on Grottaglie due to the presence on site of an artistic context in which to insert the creation of the work, “Outside Festival” and the support of the municipal administration which welcomed the initiative. This year the Festival also boasts a section dedicated to street art. The mural created by Giorgio Bartocci for the European Commission fits fully into this artistic field which will be enriched with other works in the coming weeks.

Giorgio Bartocci, divided between urban-art and product-designis one street artist which explores the complex relationship between man and the territory in which he lives, with frequent movements in Italy and abroad for site-specific environmental interventions. Recognized in the international context of writingallows large surfaces to dialogue with architecture and painting thanks to dilated and fluid shapes.

The text of the plaque explains the meaning of Bartocci’s work who worked in collaboration with Ezio De Matteo (Art logistics). The mural is titled “Connections: the future of Europe”. “Through chromaticism – says the text – the author wanted to depict some key characteristics of the European Union: solidarity and integration. In the east, the mixing of shades of blue and yellow refer to the support that the European Union is offering toUkraine following Russian aggression. Since the beginning of the war, the European Union has reaffirmed its firm commitment, demonstrating solidarity with the Ukrainian people and substantially contributing to strengthening the country’s resilience. Similarly, in the central part of the work, the shades of light blue and blue represent the strategic role of the Mediterranean Sea which, from ancient times to today, has represented the main maritime communication route between Europe, Africa and Asia. The Mediteranno is also linked to migratory phenomena, managed on the basis of the principles of solidarity, balance and shared responsibility, but it is also a place of connections, dialogues, historical, social and solidarity bonds between peoples, essential for the future of Europe”.

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