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The good summer of those whose hearts are attentive to beautiful things

The good summer of those whose hearts are attentive to beautiful things
The good summer of those whose hearts are attentive to beautiful things

We are surrounded by beauty – ICP

Summer is a privileged time for rest and to enjoy, at least in the period free from the burdens of study and work, the relationship with others. But even more, it can be an invitation to delve deeper into ourselves and to rediscover a bit of the great beauty that surrounds us. This is also the meaning of the wish for “happy holidays” left to his parishioners by Father Jacques Hamel. He is the French priest killed on 26 July 2016 by two young Islamic extremists in the church of Saint Stephen in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, near Rouen where the elderly priest, 85 years old, worked with the parish priest. The cause for beatification has been opened for Father Hamel. This simple but profound message of “Happy Holidays” is considered his spiritual testament.

“The hope is that we can hear God’s invitation to take care of this world, to make it, where we live, a warmer, more human, more fraternal world. A time of meeting, with family and friends. A moment to take the time to experience something together. A moment to be attentive to others, whoever they are. A time of sharing. Sharing our friendship, our joy. Sharing our help to our children, showing that they matter to us. Also a time of prayer. Attentive to what will happen in our world at that moment. Let us pray for those who need it most, for peace, for better living together. Let us try to have a heart attentive to beautiful things, to each and every one of those who risk feeling a little more alone. May the holidays allow us to fill up on joy, friendship and regeneration. Then we will be able, better equipped, to resume the journey together.”

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