«Rome, capital of France, in Europe they speak European». The answers

«Rome, capital of France, in Europe they speak European». The answers
«Rome, capital of France, in Europe they speak European». The answers

Everyone has their own strengths and his weaknessesthe one that at school was the “favorite subject” and the one that just couldn’t be digested. There are those who are able to list all the capitals of the world without thinking more than two seconds, the next city already on the tip of the tongue, and who can do it mathematical calculations even moderately complex ones without taking out your smartphone (the calculator is now out of fashion). Give it to him University studentsHowever, we expect at least a basic preparation that allows us to immediately answer the question “What is the capital of Germany?”.

Apparently, the expectations of many have been betrayed and this is demonstrated by a video recorded by Mathilda, an exchange student from Sweden who tested colleagues from the University of Michigan on their knowledge of geography European Union with… hilarious results.

Geography gaffes

Mathilda asks the American students what the capital of Germany is, but the answers she gets are totally unexpected. One of them, in fact, declares that it is France, which is doubly wrong because not only is it not the right city… but it is not a city at all. The other companion leans closer and says “Hamburg”, which at least is actually a city and is even in Germany.

Mathilda then asks the same question to other people, in another class. After getting a confused expression as his first reaction, the boy says: «Maybe it’s Rome?», while someone else is heard interjecting «But why should we know?».

Another question is “What language is spoken in Europe?”. The way she is positioned already hides a “trick”, of course, because it is not a single language, but the girl states, unsure: «European?». Then she corrects herself: “No, wait, a lot of different languages.”

Finally, still on the subject of capitals, Mathilda asks a friend which capital is Norway and is told “Sweden”. So, to investigate this enigmatic answer, she asks to list some Scandinavian nations and the girl says “Iraq”. In the caption of the clip Mathilda writes, ironically: “I’m so proud of all of you”, with an affectionate little heart.

In the comments, many users wonder if the United States has a serious problem with the teaching of geography in schools, while some wonder how it is possible that these people manage to access prestigious institutes like Harvard.


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