Ilaria Cazziol, freelancer who works online: «I resigned to be free to travel»

Ilaria Cazziol, freelancer who works online: «I resigned to be free to travel»
Ilaria Cazziol, freelancer who works online: «I resigned to be free to travel»

Ilaria Cazziol, 33 years old, copywriter specializing in SEO, is the author of the book “Travel Destination” on digital nomads. Together with her partner Marco Mignano she is ready to leave for new destinations, thanks to the fact that her work takes place online: «After my degree in languages ​​and my master’s degree in marketing at Bocconi I started working in Milan, in a company of communication. But in 2017 I resigned: it was very important for me to have this type of freedom, I wanted to travel.” At that point «the camper became the common denominator of our freedom. We took a 6 month trip to Asia: we went to Russia, Mongolia, China, Japan, Nepal, India and Thailand. And later in many other places, including Jordan, Panama, Spain, Andalusia. Often in pairs, but also alone, as in Morocco.”


Ilaria explains in an interview with Republic, is a freelancer: «After an adjustment phase, during which I had to build trust in myself, then everything started to grow. With obvious disruption during Covid, but now the market is changing again, with artificial intelligence. Overall, we often say that freedom is inversely proportional to security. Although today it is no longer so true: there are more and more companies that embrace remote working.” Even if «in Italy there are many issues that make digital nomadism difficult. Abroad there is more awareness, there are more job opportunities. Digital nomads are mainly Americans, Israelis, Germans.”

In Thailand

Finally, Ilaria explains where she found herself best: «We have only spent a short time in the digital nomad hubs, we usually prefer to work in our camper, in nature. But we had a great time in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where there is a very active community of digital nomads. As in Lisbon, after all, where many were attracted by the tax breaks. However, I think that Italy should instead focus on greater integration with local communities, and small villages, rather than already overcrowded large cities.”

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