Ethiopia, the country where you can take a trip back in time

Ethiopia, the country where you can take a trip back in time
Ethiopia, the country where you can take a trip back in time

“Hey Doc, where are we?” asks Marty, “Boy, the right question is: when are we!”, replies Doc from “Back to the Future”. And that’s kind of what could happen in EthiopiaEast African state, because here 2024 is still very far away, since according to the local calendar today we are in 2016. But how is this possible?

Because in Ethiopia it is still 2016

Ethiopia, considered the cradle of humanity, is one of those places where it seems almost possible to take a real trip back in time. Not only for its historical sites of immense and incredible value, but because in these parts the days, weeks, months and even years pass differently than in many other places in the world.

Currently, in fact, it’s still 2016: while the majority of the population follows the Gregorian calendar, here the Ethiopian calendar is in force which is made up of 13 months. To be precise, 12 of these are 30 days each, while only one has five or six days, depending on whether it is a leap year or not.

But there is even more, because what is different from ours is the real thing flow of timeas Ethiopia divides the days into two halves of 12 hours each, which begin at 6:00 in the morning instead of midnight.

To discover the exact reason why it is still 2016 in these parts, we need to take (it almost makes me smile to write this) a real leap back in time to arrive, at 88 miles per hour, in 500 AD, the period in which the Catholic Church changed its his calculations on birth date of Jesus. Yes, because even the Ethiopian calendar is always based on the coming into the world of what is considered the son of God, but unlike almost the entire planet it has maintained the original calculations, and for this reason in Ethiopia it is “still” 2016.

Called the Ge’ez calendar, it is almost 8 years later than the Gregorian and sees the New Year in what for us is theSept. 11: in this 2024, therefore, 2017 will begin for Ethiopians. Although particular and arbitrary, these calculations are without a shadow of a doubt an exceptional and fascinating testimony to the cultural and historical diversity of this magnificent country.

The beauty of the Ethiopian New Year

Next September 11th, therefore, will be the moment of Ethiopian New Year, a very heartfelt and extremely fascinating celebration. Her name, in the original language, is Enkutatash, a word that in Italian means “gift of jewels”.

Colourful, lively and fun, it represents the end of the rainy season and therefore a phase of rebirth: many bright yellow flowers called Adey Ababa.

Among the most heartfelt traditions is that of celebrating especially with the family, enjoying an excellent typical lunch and exchanging gifts. But it is certainly not the only one, because at this particular time of the year several groups of young girls usually walk through the streets singing the song “Abebayehosh”, while others play the drums.

Among the typical dishes eaten by locals we cannot fail to mention Doro Wot, a spicy chicken stew served with rice or flatbread; The Dulet, based on minced meat, liver and lamb tripe; The Ga’atmost often made with barley or corn flour and served with a sauce in the center.

Finally the coffee ceremony, which begins by toasting the still green beans in a pan which are then ground with a mortar and pestle until they become powder to be transferred into a clay coffee pot. Once ready, the delicious Ethiopian coffee is served in cups with a spoonful of sugar and accompanied with a bowl of hot popcorn.

Trip to Ethiopia, useful information

It is not impossible to go to Ethiopia, but unfortunately at the moment the Farnesina website advises against traveling to this country due to the presence of a series of clashes that are constantly evolving.

This does not take away from the fact that it is an exceptional country, and that in some way it has managed to grow a lot also from a tourism point of view. But there is no need to be too surprised: Addis Ababa, the vast Ethiopian capital located on the highlands bordering the Great Rift Valley, is a megalopolis full of people ready to give smiles. Here there is the largest market in Africa where you can find everything, and also the National Museum where the remains rest Lucy, the oldest hominid in the country who gave it the title of “cradle of humanity”.

Then again Lalibela (one of the holiest cities in Ethiopia together with Axum, which preserves the traces of an ancient and important past and the precious Ark of the Covenant), where 11 extraordinary churches carved into the rock survive: it is no coincidence that it is considered the “Jerusalem of Ethiopia”.

They are located underground and to visit them you have to go down shoulder to shoulder with the pilgrims and go through dark tunnels where many say you can feel the “presence of God”. Sculpted, painted and so on and so forth, they are true masterpieces and also places in which to discover pure beauty, history and humanity.

It is definitely extraordinary Gondar, the ancient imperial capital of Ethiopia nicknamed the Camelot of Africa, which more than a single manor is a real complex of castles and palaces that truly leave you breathless. Then again the Semien National Parka UNESCO world heritage site, where you can go on multi-day excursions in the company of the Gelada baboons, much loved due to their curious red patch of skin on their chest.

Finally, but certainly not all, Ethiopia is also the country in which what is considered the most inhospitable place on Earth: the Danakil Depression: it is located about 125 meters below sea level and here temperatures vary between 35 degrees and 50 degrees during the summer. However, more adventurous travelers can currently visit this spectacular and remote area of ​​Ethiopia.

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