the soldiers disguised as refugees to free the 4 hostages

Sullivan adds that an agreement would be the best way to free the hostages. «Without that – he continued – and without Hamas saying yes, unfortunately we will see the conflict and military operations continue in which Israel will try to save its citizens».

Most Middle Eastern countries, led by Egypt and Türkiye, condemn the operation. The number of “collateral victims” is too high. So much so that already yesterday morning from Centcom, the US command, they were quick to clarify: «The humanitarian dock, including its equipment, personnel and resources, were not used in the hostage rescue operation today in Gaza.»

New details emerge about the operation. The strategy adopted is that of disguise. According to the Saudi website Asharqwhich cites witnesses in Gaza, some members of the special forces passed themselves off as displaced persons from Rafah. Ynet he adds that the special forces involved are part of Israeli units operating in the Palestinian areas, used to mixing with the locals while speaking fluent Arabic.

The unit — which also includes women — enters the Nuseirat camp from an area close to the American aid dock and the Nezarim corridor, the east-west passage that cuts Gaza in two north of the camp, controlled by the IDF and used as a starting point for raids in the northern part and central of the Strip. The camouflaged forces arrive in a white car carrying mattresses on the roof, the women are dressed in traditional clothing. To questions from locals, the agents respond that they are displaced from Rafah and are looking for accommodation. The unit then splits into two groups, each heading towards one of the two buildings. All this while other special forces entered the Nuseirat camp hidden in a humanitarian aid truck, a detail which the IDF however denied.

In a video released online from Gaza, it is shown the route taken by the commando agents. The images also confirm how a hole was made in the surrounding wall to gain access to the building, while in other images a white vehicle with a ladder on the roof appears parked near a building. According to what was confirmed by the IDF, the three male hostages were held in the house of a reporter from Al Jazeera, Abdullah Jamal, Hamas operative. But the Saudi broadcaster denied the link with the man instead describing it as a spokesperson for the Ministry of Labor in Gaza. The armed wing of Hamas, the Qassam Brigades, finally announced that three hostages, including a US citizen, were killed during the operation.

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