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TV ratings, very heated challenge between Tim Summer Hits and La Rosa della Vendetta: who won

TV ratings, very heated challenge between Tim Summer Hits and La Rosa della Vendetta: who won
TV ratings, very heated challenge between Tim Summer Hits and La Rosa della Vendetta: who won

TV ratings, who won the race between the Tim Summer Hits on Rai 1 with Andrea Delogu and Carlo Conti e The Rose of Vengeance on Channel 5? Here are all the data from yesterday’s early evening, June 28th.

The previous ones TV evenings were dominated by the football matches of the 2024 European Championships. And yet, for two days everything seems to have changed. On the evening of June 27, we saw Alberto Angela with noos on Rai 1, while on Canale Temptation Island. A challenge to the antipodes (here to discover the results). Yesterday evening, June 28, still remaining on the Mediaset and Rai networks, we saw on the one hand the Tim Summer Hits con Carlo Conti e Andrea Delogu. On Canale 5, instead, another episode of the soap was aired The Rose of Vengeance. In the meantime, we can say that Mediaset continues to focus on soap operas, especially this summer, but it will have achieved the desired results.

Certainly, so far it has not received very low ratings and, after Terra Amara, Endless Love seems to be the one that is giving the most satisfaction. Rai 1, on the other hand, has focused on music, with an evening full of artists who have truly made many viewers dream. Among the numerous performances, one of the audience’s favorites seems to have been that of Annalisa e Tananai. Young people really like the duo and many also notice a nice complicity between the two. In short, a difficult challenge between soap and music, but who will have prevailed? Here are the results.

TV ratings, who won among the Tim Summer Hits e The Rose of Vengeance: the results

Yesterday evening, Friday 28 June on Rai 1 the first episode of Tim Summer Hits has conquered 2,670,000 spectators equal to 19.2% share. They are Channel 5 The Rose of Vengeance it involved 2,188,000 spectators with a share of 15.1%. On Rai 2 I Casi della Giovane Miss Fisher entertained 571,000 viewers with a share of 3.8%. On Italia1 Let me introduce you to our glued 888,000 viewers to the television with a share of 6.1%. On Rai 3 Puccini according to Muti it scored 739,000 spectators and a 4.9% share.

Andrea Delogu and Carlo Conti at Tim Summer Hits yesterday evening, June 28th

Again on Rete 4 Fourth Degree-The stories obtained 1,143,000 viewers with a share of 9.8%. On La7 Eden-A Planet to Save was watched by 365,000 viewers and 2.7% share. On Tv8 The BarLume-Aria di mare crimes obtained 322,000 viewers reaching 2.2% share. On Nove The Best Brothers of Crozza it was seen by 438,000 spectators with a share of 2.9%. Certainly the start of Andrea Delogu and Carlo Conti on Rai 1 was more than good. With a 19.2% share it won the evening against Canale 5 which reached 15.1%. We must also take into account the fact that 8.5 points and at least 1.3 million viewers more than the last edition broadcast on Rai 2.

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