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Denis Villeneuve’s next film will be released in 2026: but will it be Dune 3?

Denis Villeneuve’s next film will be released in 2026: but will it be Dune 3?
Denis Villeneuve’s next film will be released in 2026: but will it be Dune 3?

Warner Bros and Legendary Entertainment have announced that Denis Villeneuve’s next film will be released in 2026: but is it Dune: Messiah?

The next film by Denis Villeneuve has already identified one release date: but it’s about Dune: Messiahthe third chapter of the Dune saga starring Timothée Chalamet? Or is it another film project? The question is legitimate, especially since it was the director himself not long ago who expressed the desire to work on another film before dedicating himself entirely to Dune: Messiah. Coming off an experience that was too intense for the realization of the first two chapters of Dune, Denis Villeneuve had revealed that he wanted to take a break from Paul Atreides’ war before returning to the sandy dunes and wanting to realize a completely different project. But the recent announcement by Warner Bros. has certainly put the spotlight back on the Dune franchise. It seems, in fact, that together with Legendary they have announced several prominent productions, including a project by Denis Villeneuve whose release date has been set for the December 18, 2026.

Denis Villeneuve Announces the Release Date of His Next Film: But What Is It?

Warner Bros. e Legendary Entertainment will make Denis Villeneuve’s next film. Legendary is the same production company that helped make the first Dune films, which is why the question arises: will the next project be Dune: Messiah? No further details have been added at the moment, but given the involvement of Warner Bros. and Legendary, it is possible that it will be Dune 3. To date, the future of Dune has not been fully addressed by Denis Villeneuve, who has only confirmed the creation of a third film that would conclude the main trilogy.

As reported ComicBooksome time ago the director had explained that, in addition to wanting to focus on another project before Dune 3, he would also have to take into account what happened in the novel on which it is based, set 12 years after the original Dune book by Frank Hebert and therefore with an even more mature Paul Atreides. In addition to Dune, however, Legendary Entertainment a few months ago announced a new project with Denis Villeneuve as director: it is Nuclear War: A Scenariotaken from the volume of Annie Jacobsen. So the announced date could also refer to this project and would logically follow Denis Villeneuve’s statements regarding a break from Dune before returning for the third chapter.

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