The Promise, two shocking confessions: what Petra and Ramona reveal, everyone speechless

The Promise, two shocking confessions: what Petra and Ramona reveal, everyone speechless
The Promise, two shocking confessions: what Petra and Ramona reveal, everyone speechless

Plot twist in the next episodes of The Promise: Ramona and Petra will make shocking confessions.

The promise is a Spanish soap opera that debuted on Canale 5 about a year ago. Since then, episode after episode, it has managed to win over viewers, so much so that Mediaset has decided to dedicate ample space to it. The plot has come into focus recently on the future wedding between Martina and Antonio De Carvajal Y Cifuentes. During her Majesty’s Garden Party, Antonio introduced her as her fiancée, but her declaration was not particularly appreciated by her.

The Promise, the truth of Ramona and Petra –

Only a dance with Curro changed her mood. The young woman confessed her feelings to him again and the Captain’s son, later, asked her to stay together as long as they can. It seems in fact that the wedding is now decided, despite the opposition of Martina, who continues to refuse her parents’ choice. Thanks to the marriage, Margarita and Fernando would be able not only to enter the high nobility but also to pay off their debts. In the next episodes there will be new developments, but in particular Petra and Ramona’s confessions will shock.

La Promessa Spoilers, Shocking Confessions Arrive: Incredible Truth About Feliciano

In the next episodes of The promise there will be big twists. Jana will go to Ramona again and the latter will tell her about her mother he will confide to her that he saw her after her presumed death. The maid will not believe her words, since she always believed that the woman was dead, when she managed to escape with her brother. But Petra will also let herself go to a completely unexpected confession.

The Promise, Petra tells the truth about Feliciano (Photo screen

He will sneak into the study where Pia’s son is and pick him up he will tell him that Feliciano is not his brother but his son. A shocking truth, since not even the young man knows that his mother is Petra. However, the housekeeper will enter the room after a few minutes and surprise her with the child in her arms.. He will fly into a rage and chase her away. Pia suspects that it was she who kidnapped Diego to take him to the convent where Abel, Jana and Manuel later found him.

Manuel will confide in Jana his worries about Jimena’s pregnancy. He has in fact discovered, thanks to Mauro, that his wife hid an underwear stained with blood from him. The maid will try to reassure him and send him to Abel, to understand what is really happening. After making her the marriage proposal, Don Carlos will want an answer from Candela but she will appear quite perplexed and she will tell him that she is not ready to get married yet.

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