Endless love, previews 1-5 July: bad surprise for Kemal and Nihan

Endless love, previews 1-5 July: bad surprise for Kemal and Nihan
Endless love, previews 1-5 July: bad surprise for Kemal and Nihan

Episodes of Endless Love unmissable. Nihan and Kemal shocked by a worrying surprise.

These are episodes of very high tension those broadcast in recent weeks by Mediaset. The Turkish soap opera Endless Love is coming to an end and some shocking dynamics are emerging, to say the least. In the episodes that will be broadcast from 1 to 5 July, then, Unmissable situations will happen.

Endless Love, what will happen from 1 to 5 July – Sardegnaoggi.it

Indeed, Nihan and Kemal will have to face a nasty surprise that they never expected. For them, Emir is preparing yet another deception, so as to demonstrate once again how willing he is to do anything to make the two suffer. The two lovers will come face to face. Kozcuoglu’s criminal mind has devised yet another ploy to get the two to clash.

Endless Love, what will happen from 1st to 5th July

In the last episodes aired we have seen how much the businessman is also ready to criminal acts just to have his wife all to himself. In fact, he even went so far as to kidnap Leyla to keep the two lovers in check. Nihan and Kemal are increasingly victims of Emir, who is becoming more and more dangerous from episode to episode. Those that will be broadcast from 1 to 5 July will then make it clear how much he can manage to do what he wants thanks to his criminal power acquired by his family over time. Furthermore, he is in a job position that allows him to make the engineer do what he wants, even against his will.

Endless Love, previews for the first week of July (Mediasetinfinity.mediaset.it) – Sardegnaoggi.it

Those that will be broadcast from 1 to 5 July will then make it clear how much he can do what he wants thanks to his criminal power won over by his family over time. Furthermore, he is in a job position that allows him to make the engineer do what he wants, even against his will.

In fact, during the episodes that will be broadcast in the first week of July, it will force Kemal and Nihan to work side by side. Lately, we have seen that they ran away together, but Emir once again managed to upset their plans, threatening his wife and telling her that she will hurt anyone she lovesin case she didn’t return home.

The woman did not inform Kemal of the threat and left him with a letter. Exactly for this reason, There’s no good blood between the two at the moment, even if they declared their love for each other, promising that it will remain so even if something goes wrong. It will not be easy, however, for Kemal to see Nihan on good terms with Emir and his friends it will seem that the woman wants to be with him.

For this, the situation between the two will remain tense, even in the workplace. Nihan will dedicate herself with all her strength to the project packaged for her by Emir (i.e. to build a school within the area of ​​the thermoelectric power plant), while Kemal will continue to suffer from the situation. Leyla will also be worried about how things will go in the companythe woman’s aunt.

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