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“Instead of putting things back in order, you make them worse?” What happened

“Instead of putting things back in order, you make them worse?” What happened
“Instead of putting things back in order, you make them worse?” What happened

The official rules of Sanremo Giovani 2024 were released in recent days. The rules clarify the requirements that must be met in order for the candidacy to be considered valid. Among the many changes to the rules is the one regarding the age range of the candidates. Access to the artists is in fact reserved only for those who are between 16 and 26 years old (instead of 29 like last year). Consequently, the former professor of Amici, Luca Jurmanexpressed his opinion on his Instagram profile regarding the new regulation outlined by Carlo Conti.

Luca Jurman’s words

“Dear Carlo Conti, I understand everything, the pressure of entering such a tough and heavy machine like that of Sanremo and I have always respected you having worked with you – Luca Jurman underlined on Instagram -. You have always been on the side of music and artists, in your opinion. And I thought you were making a sort of new regulation that would draw attention to art and culture by making necessary changes and giving space and light to artists who are not only part of the world of numbers. Of course, not all the very young people make second-rate music and there are some rare diamonds. But you realize that even Pippo Baudo had set a limit to new proposals, but of 36 years. And thanks to this, important voices, singer-songwriters of great depth, have managed to become part of the history of Italian music”.

“Now instead of putting things back in order, you make them worse?” he continued. “You go from 29 to 26? And why exactly 26 years old? Because maybe only young people who have already gained followers and visibility in some talent will enter? Or via the Internet? And all those who in the meantime have spent money, time, life making sacrifices to study and prepare? All cut off? Yes, because if they are not already part of the mainstream they are f**ked. I expected, if anything, that someone like you would create, I don’t know, a category of young people in streaming, separating them from the new proposals of unknowns. And the really big names with a name and career. Let’s hope you manage to find the new writing phenomena well.”


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