Salvini: «Autonomy? It would be an opportunity for the distracted polemics of the South.” And on the ESM: “We will never ratify it”

Salvini: «Autonomy? It would be an opportunity for the distracted polemics of the South.” And on the ESM: “We will never ratify it”
Salvini: «Autonomy? It would be an opportunity for the distracted polemics of the South.” And on the ESM: “We will never ratify it”

OfLorenzo Nicolao

The leader of the League responds to the doubts expressed by the EU Commission. Then he is clear on the state-saving fund: «A European madness»

Matteo Salvini returns the European Commission’s concerns about differentiated autonomy to the sender. «They would be better off dealing with something else other than some bureaucrat Brussels the citizens’ vote is almost irrelevant given that they are preparing the same package as if they had not voted Italians, French or Germans. If this were the case, it would really seem like a lack of respect towards the citizens who voted.” Then the clarification: «Differentiated autonomy it is not a victory for the League but the possibility for the regions to manage at a local level what the State is now unable to manage, a starting point that can unite Lombardy, Calabria, Veneto and Puglia”.

But these are not the only statements by Salvini. At the event dedicated toAcademy of Fsthe training center that will be built in Milan Rogoredowhich was also attended by the president of the Lombardy Region Attilio Fontana and the mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala, and which will see a planned investment of 7.6 million allocated by the FS Group, the Northern League secretary also wanted to respond remotely to some discontent within his party. The Northern League secretary also spent a few words on internal voices critical of the south, such as that of the president of the Calabria regional council Filippo Mancuso (now at risk of expulsion): «Autonomy will also be a great opportunity for some distracted polemical people from the South». And he reiterates: «I would like to ask why today healthcare, infrastructure, schools and work are not at the levels of other regions of the Centre-North. It is because there is a centralized system that does not give this possibility. Autonomy will instead be a great turning point even for the most backward regions.”

The clarification a few hours before going on stage in the afternoon Montecchio Maggiore, in the Vicenza area, to celebrate a goal for which his party has fought for over 40 years. He will do it in the company of the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia, but without Roberto Vannaccichampion of preferences in the last European elections.

Then, again from the Royal Hall of Milan Central Station, a (clear) reference to Mes: «We will never ratify it, because it is European folly. Let the others approve of it, Italy doesn’t need it.” The leader of the League has once again stated his total opposition to the European state bailout fund. The Minister of Transport thus confirms his political line. When asked if it will be ratified, he replied «No, never, imagine, it’s another European madness. Let them approve it, if they want it, because we don’t need it.”

He had already expressed himself in these terms in the past, also reiterating it to the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti, another Northern League exponent. «The ESM is not a bargaining chip with Europe», a warning also to government allies, «we will remain consistent until the end». From Brussels, upon leaving the council Ecofin, it was Giorgetti himself who admitted: «Salvini? It is Parliament that is not in a position to ratify the ESM reform, ratification in the short term seems impossible to me.” And he reinforces the concept by saying: «Asking us to give the green light now would be like putting salt on a wound».

Finally, regarding the inauguration of the Academy, Salvini dictated his recipe: «I spoke about it with the mayor and the governor. If there is the will to join forces to be an even stronger player among ATM, Trenorth And state Railways, as Minister of Transport and as a Milanese, I am ready to listen to everyone. It would be a competitive group not at an Italian level, but at a European and global level.” And on possible appointments he then specified: «I have worked well with those who have managed FS in recent years and as a government team we are thinking. As far as I’m concerned, choices have already been made on who will accompany the management and development of the group in the near future.”

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June 21, 2024 (changed June 21, 2024 | 3:26 pm)


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