My home my destiny 2, previews: Benal is kidnapped, what will happen

The second season of My Home My Destiny 2 it started on June 17th on Canale 5 and there is already a twist: Benal will be kidnapped.

Here are some previews of the soap My Home My Destiny 2 involving one of the most loved and at the same time hated characters of the soap, that is Benal, played by thirty-nine-year-old Incinur Dasdemir. Benal introduced herself to the Canale 5 audience as a fairly ambiguous character. It’s about a woman he lives with Mehdi and Zeynep and that right from the start, with his mere presence, he is able to generate strong tensions between the two.

My home my destiny 2, previews: Benal is kidnapped, what will happen -Credit YouTube @mediasetinfinity –

The matter became very complicated when Benal became pregnant with Mehdi. The news threw Zeynep into total despair. Even his family did not take the news of the pregnancy very well: only one person supports Benal, and that is Mujgan. Dissatisfied with the treatment she received and aware that her Mehdi only thinks of Zeynep, Benal has hinted several times that she wants to leave the house where she lives.

Plot twist a My Home My Destiny 2: Benal is kidnapped

After all, she feels treated with distrust and sufficiency. Furthermore, Mehdi’s life is too complicated and dangerous, with enemies always ready to cast shadows on his family or friends create problems… Mehdi feeds mixed feelings for Benal. On the one hand, he loves her and would like to protect her, since Benal is pregnant with her child. But on the other hand, man understands the relationship as a limit. This is why their relationship is always on the balance. Mehdi knows he has a stronger feeling for Zeynep, yet he tries to control himself by succumbing to her sense of responsibility towards Benal.

What will Mehdi decide to do with Benal?-Credit YouTube @mediasetinfinity-

Just the sentimental dilemma by Mehdi is one of the strongest narrative engines: one of the many fires that fuel the burning plot of the Turkish soap. Soon, however, Mehdi could be made easier in choosing him. All thanks to Serhat. Or because of him. Depending on your point of view…

In the episode of Thursday 20 June Benal she will in fact be kidnapped by Serhat, her very violent, possessive and dangerous ex-husband. Knowing the type, everyone will be alarmed, even those who previously did not treat Benal with much respect.

The situation will also involve Zeynep, because many will begin to accuse her of having put Benal in danger. As? Even Zeynep herself will blame herself for not being able to stop her rival in love when she left the house obviously upset.

The two women had argued animatedly and Zeynep had noticed that Benal was very shaken and that it might be dangerous for her to go around all alone. Mehdi, worried about Benal, will immediately start looking for her: he suspects that her ex has been kidnapped and he also knows who to blame. Then in Friday’s episode Mehdi will unexpectedly drop into his wife’s new office because he wants to understand what problem has occurred in their marriage.

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