Vladimir Luxuria, relaxing by the sea: the presenter’s costume test after the efforts of the Island of the Famous

Vladimir Luxuria, relaxing by the sea: the presenter’s costume test after the efforts of the Island of the Famous
Vladimir Luxuria, relaxing by the sea: the presenter’s costume test after the efforts of the Island of the Famous

After a much talked about season of L’Isola dei Famosi, Vladimir Luxuria is ready to relax on the beach, completely passing the swimsuit test.

The adventure of L’Isola dei Famosi, a reality show that saw Vladimir Luxuria at the helm, ended a few weeks ago. The latest experience which saw her as a protagonist on Biscione’s TV did not produce the hoped-for results to the point that many criticism received also due to the low numbers that the reality show brought home.

Vladimir Luxuria at the sea source instagram @isoladeifamosi and vladimir_luxuria ilciriaco.it

Despite everything, after hard work, the presenter could only do relax on the beach and letting himself be caressed by the sun’s rays to try to charge his batteries and banish from his mind all the criticisms received with his latest work. In fact, it seems that Vladimir Luxuria has left everything behind her and that now she is dedicating herself only to those moments of relaxation. What attracted attention to her was the latest shot of her published on her social media, a photo that was much commented on and, in some cases, even criticized on Instagram.

Vladimir Luxuria passes the costume test, here are the comments

After giving his best while hosting the last season of L’Isola dei Famosi, Vladimir Luxuria decided to unplug and enjoy some relaxation by the sea.

Vladimir Luxuria at the sea source instagram @vladimir_luxuria

Demonstrating all this is a shot in which the beautiful presenter photographs herself with I’m wearing a bathing suita pair of sunglasses and a hat, all the symbols of an outfit created specifically to appear elegant even on the beach.

Also with her Claudia Arcara, a woman who decided to spend some carefree moments right on the beach. From this photo, but above all from the comments received, it would seem that Vladimir Luxuria has it fully passed the costume test.

In fact, among the many appreciations, there are those who write: “I say you are a beautiful creature!!!” or “What splendor“. There is also no shortage of criticism, not very nice comments addressed to a strong woman who often finds herself fighting against people’s judgement: “But stop it who are you doing Sulu ridiri III telò I say in Sicilian“. For Luxuria a summer that arrives at the right time, to reflect on what didn’t go well on the island and think about the future which perhaps will be away from TV.

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