«Tourism and security, an appeal for urgent change»

«Tourism and security, an appeal for urgent change»
«Tourism and security, an appeal for urgent change»

TERMOLI. Minority Attacks in the City: “Tourism and Security, Appeal for Urgent Change”.

«The debate on the situation of Termoli, a city with a strong tourist vocation, is always heated during electoral campaigns. However, it is important to underline that the majority in power seems not to have yet clearly defined what type of tourism it intends to promote and develop in the Termoli area. It is already clear that the current management (in the name of continuity) does not differ much from that of the last five years and, despite the electoral promises, no initial significant changes have yet been seen.

A critical aspect that deserves attention is the lack of control and surveillance on the territory by the police, in particular the Municipal Police. It is worrying that Mayor Balice, at the beginning of his mandate, did not consider it important to organize a constant presence on the territory, perhaps too busy discussing with the parties the distribution of delegations! The situation of wild parking on flowerbeds, on sidewalks and roundabouts, the invasion of tables on Piazza Ruffini, piles of garbage in the center and the general neglect of the city are just some signs of a larger problem.

The lack of rules and controls encourages uncivilized behavior that is harmful to the image of the city. It is urgent that the mayor and the competent authorities intervene to restore public order and safety. Only in this way will Termoli be able to attract quality tourism and ensure sustainable growth of the local tourism sector.

Furthermore, we cannot ignore the serious problem of theft and vandalism that occurs too frequently. A concrete commitment is needed to combat these forms of crime and ensure the safety of citizens and visitors.

We therefore invite Mayor Balice to take these criticisms seriously and to implement concrete measures to improve the situation of the city. Tourism is a key sector for the local economy and we cannot allow incivility and carelessness to compromise the growth potential of Termoli. It is time to act and work together to build a better future for our community”.

The advisors

Manuela Vigilante

Joe Mileti

Marcella Stumpo

Oscar Short

Mario Orlando

Minority under attack in the city: «Tourism and security, appeal for urgent change»


Minority under attack in the city: «Tourism and security, appeal for urgent change»


Minority Attacks in the City: “Tourism and Security, Call for Urgent Change”


Minority under attack in the city: «Tourism and security, appeal for urgent change»


Minority under attack in the city: «Tourism and security, appeal for urgent change»


Minority under attack in the city: «Tourism and security, appeal for urgent change»


Minority Attacks in the City: “Tourism and Security, Call for Urgent Change”


Minority under attack in the city: «Tourism and security, appeal for urgent change»


Minority under attack in the city: «Tourism and security, appeal for urgent change»


Minority under attack in the city: «Tourism and security, appeal for urgent change»


Minority Attacks in the City: “Tourism and Security, Call for Urgent Change”


Minority under attack in the city: «Tourism and security, appeal for urgent change»


Minority under attack in the city: «Tourism and security, appeal for urgent change»


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