Mestre, two men stabbed in the back on the street: serious in hospital

Mestre, two men stabbed in the back on the street: serious in hospital
Mestre, two men stabbed in the back on the street: serious in hospital

TEACHER – Stabbed in the center of Mestre, two end up in hospital in serious conditions. The latest episode of violence took place yesterday evening around 8 pm in Ring Road and in Verdi streeta few dozen meters from each other, in the heart of Mestre. In the first case, a 50-year-old North African was brutally stabbed, suffering several wounds, treated by paramedics. The timely intervention of the Carabinieri and emergency services avoided the worst. The alarm was raised around 8:00 PM by Claudio Peris, a resident of the area who has always been active in reporting any violence that occurs in the area: he witnessed the scene and promptly called the Carabinieri and the police. Peris, who filmed everything with his cell phone, provided important testimony to investigators.


The video shows the excited moments of the rescue and could prove fundamental for the investigation. The police arrived on the scene a few minutes later, finding the man on the ground, near Villa Querini, a place known as the center of drug dealing in Mestre, with numerous stab wounds. Suem 118 was immediately called. The paramedics, who arrived with two ambulances, treated the victim in the middle of the street and then transported the man to the hospital in Mestre. His condition, although serious, is currently stable thanks to the rapid intervention of the rescuers.


Almost at the same time, another victim reported the same consequences. In this case, a thirty-year-old man, also from North Africa, was injured. The young man was in Via Verdi when he suddenly became the victim of a brutal stabbing, again in the back. Having collapsed on the ground, he was rescued by some passers-by who raised the alarm to 118. Meanwhile the police had already been mobilised, intervening to rescue the two men.


According to what transpires from the investigators, the cases would still be linked to each other. Investigations are underway to clarify the dynamics of the attacks and identify those responsible. Investigators are analyzing the video and collecting testimonies from those present. Among these was also a foreigner, who was the first to help the fifty-year-old. «Upon my arrival I found the man lying on the pedestrian crossing in Via Circonvallazione – says Peris – I was in the car, I immediately stopped to understand what was happening. The stabbed man managed to tell me in a whisper that he had been stabbed in the back. He was noticeably in pain and another foreigner came to the rescue, holding his head after having in turn alerted the rescuers. I wanted to film yet another case of violence in the center of Mestre, now controlled by the underworld. I could see that the 50-year-old had several injuries to his back, but he couldn’t tell me anything else. I immediately notified first the police and then the carabinieri, who arrived after a few minutes. It was terrible, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I hope the video can help the authorities find whoever did this. All of us in Mestre are deeply affected by this latest episode of violence. Many residents express concern to me about safety in the area and I myself have repeatedly asked for greater control by the police.”
Also in this case, collaboration between citizens and law enforcement could be fundamental in finding those responsible. Meanwhile, the two injured people were transferred under code red to the Angelo hospital: they both suffered bad back injuries that the medics attended to until late at night.


Read the full article at
The Gazette

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