How the Japanese businessman who died at 56 was hit

The cry for help inside Buonissimo Kebab in Udine, the heated discussions, the push to Petrov against the fridge, the intervention of Shimpei Tominaga in an attempt to quell the fight and finally the punch that condemned him to death. An escalation that lasts just over three minutesie which is captured by the internal cameras of the premises. To come into possession of the images which portray the beating of the Japanese entrepreneur of 56 years old and they are published online by Messaggero Veneto, the local Nem newspaper in the province of Udine.

The fight

It’s the night of Saturday 22nd June when the 19-year-olds Samuele Battistella from Vittorio Veneto, the boy who punched Tominaga, and Daniele Wedam from Conegliano meet in via Paolo Sarpi together with the 31-year-old Oleksander Vitaliyovych Petrov, Ivan Boklach and the 21-year-old Abd Allah Djouamaa, also a resident of Conegliano. In that street Petrov is attacked by Battistella, Wedam and Djouamaa with pushes, kicks, punches and a chair. During the beating Boklach tries to intervene to save his friend but is threatened with a knife. The three attackers stop when a woman passes by. That moment of respite allows Petrov to get up and escape inside the Buonissimo Kebab shop. In the images from the cameras you can see Petrov with the orange shirt entering the shop. There are three customers waiting for their kebab, including Tominaga. At that point the 31-year-old shows his massacred face asking for help. Shortly afterwards, however, he is joined by Djouamaa and Wedam who, upset, enter the room and begin to verbally attack Petrov who in the meantime retreats further and further towards the fridge. One of the customers gets in the way and tries to calm the kids down by convincing them to go out. However, Wedam and Battistella continue to talk to the 31-year-old and in the meantime Boklach also enters the club and tries to distance the two boys from his friend.

The Punch to Tominaga

However, a provocative gesture warms the atmosphere again. Petrov begins to ironically applaud the two boys. This action is enough to convince the two to attack him again. Wedam pushes the 31-year-old and makes him fall to the ground. At that point Shimpei Tominaga intervenes, inviting the two young men to leave Petrov alone. Battistella then violently throws his left fist against the entrepreneur’s face who falls and hits his head against the floor. Also in the video, the third customer is also seen intervening and trying to defend Tominaga. In response he is also attacked and a chair is thrown at him. At the end of the film the three boys are seen running away.

The autopsy

The escape will be brief: shortly after they will be fortunately stopped by the police and taken to the police station. As is now known, unfortunately Shimpei Tominaga never got up again. The outcome of the autopsy by the coroner Carlo Moreschi is clear: from the investigations it emerges that Tominaga he died – iJune 26th at the Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital – for serious injuries at the cranial and encephalic level reported in the violent fall following the punch received. Tominaga’s wife, 13-year-old son and brother have already arrived in Italy from Japan to organize the funeral and burial following the authorization granted by the Udine Prosecutor’s Office.

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