Pride 2024, in Naples politics tries to get on the LGBT bandwagon

Pride 2024, in Naples politics tries to get on the LGBT bandwagon
Pride 2024, in Naples politics tries to get on the LGBT bandwagon

It took 20 years and more, in the end politics got on the Pride bandwagon. It was enough for the leader of the main opposition party Elly Schlein to dance on one of the floats in the Rome parade to make the other parties understand that the LGBT community also votes. And there are many votes to aim for. Just look at the images of the Naples pride where for the first time a Forza Italia flag was seen waving among the thousands of rainbow colours. Party that sits in Government together with those who divide the world between normal and non-normal (Interviews Antonello Sannino, president Antinoo Arcigay Naoli and Loredana Rossi, vice president of the Transsexual Association of Naples)


This year, the governor of Campania, Vincenzo de Luca, also wanted to get on the pride bandwagon for the first time. He has been experiencing a conflict with his party on the left for some time and it is no coincidence that it is that of Elly Schlein. Only time will tell whether the harmony of the so-called broad field (five star PD) can be found in civil rights (interviews Elly Schlein, Vincenzo De Luca)

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