Tears and applause on the day of the retirement of the principal Franco Di Cecilia

Tears and applause on the day of the retirement of the principal Franco Di Cecilia
Tears and applause on the day of the retirement of the principal Franco Di Cecilia


The auditorium of starling It is packed both for the teachers’ meeting, the last meeting of the school year, and for the retirement party of the historic director Franco Di Cecilia.

Applause and tears for the esteemed principal who trained generations of students before rising to the top of the school. Di Cecilia was also mayor of Sturno, and is a provincial councilor with responsibility for culture.

“I love you all,” he said at the end of his greeting to teachers and non-teachers, students and secretarial staff. His world, his second home. The school, the reason for his life as a trainer, educator and manager, certainly the most famous in Irpinia.

“I apologize if I made a mistake – Di Cecilia added – but also recognize how many beautiful moments we have shared in these years”. A lump in his throat breaks his voice. Tears rise. It is impossible not to be moved by so many displays of affection and by his closest collaborators and former teachers who have never forgotten him.

And so the students, both those of the past and those of today. The notes of ‘Sogna ragazzo’ by Vecchioni and ‘I migliori anni’ by Renato Zero play. The images of a life dedicated to school and politics, the other great passion of the most beloved principal in Irpinia, scroll by.

More applause and photos to immortalize a day at the end of the school year, the last for the principal Franco Di Cecilia. A new life will begin tomorrow, and other important and attractive human and professional challenges await the principal par excellence.

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