Being Christian every day / Ideas / The People’s Defense

Being Christian every day / Ideas / The People’s Defense
Being Christian every day / Ideas / The People’s Defense

Many questions challenge us today, but often we are physically present and with our heads elsewhere and this does not allow us to intercept the questions, nor to answer. But as Christians do we want to question ourselves to understand where we are, which path we are taking to be consistent with Jesus and the Gospel?

Many questions challenge us today, but we are often physically present and with our minds elsewhere and this does not allow us to intercept the questions or respond.
But as Christians do we want to ask ourselves to understand where we are, which path are we taking to be consistent with Jesus and the Gospel?
Observing our life, we realize that we often distance ourselves from the beauty of humanity, which is not limited to doing only what we like, which does not allow itself to be continually dogged by the all-at-once, which allows us to feel the adhesion to the earth, which does not only exalt the body, but which requires continuous contact with the whole corporeality, where the person recognizes in himself the psychological, spiritual and existential dimension.
In this time in which studies on the sociality and affectivity of animals are being deepened, at the same time we are witnessing the isolation of the individual who, connected to the world, is incapable of being in contact with those around him or those he meets. It would be interesting today to commit so much energy to study so that in society every man and woman rediscovers the beauty of humanity not to be treated for one’s own use and consumption, but to be valued and freed together, to be fully human.
Starting from the ego and returning to the ego, just by thinking about oneself, does not allow the human being to come into contact with his entire corporeity and to feel the relational need which leads to a circuit of acceptance, listening, forgiveness, sharing, care, gift, friendship, generosity, love.
The defense of one’s rights can lose its meaning when the exaltation of individualism takes over the protection and care of living together on a human level. Independence confused with autonomy results in the claim to decide alone in every area, even to the detriment of others.
Many times we remain attached to our ideal self built over the years and often unattainable. When we defend our habitat, we risk impoverishing ourselves, because we seek, through “disposable” relationships, only those who confirm us in the habitual state or with whom we can highlight the negative aspects of others often considered the cause of our discomfort.
If we live authentic relationships with others, we listen and do not defend ourselves, we let ourselves be questioned, we also accept provocations that allow us to grasp some aspects of our personal and social life that need to be changed, to protect ourselves and the common good.
There is an urgent need to stop, to reflect and to choose a meaning to give to our existence, in order to live a real life full of meaning. Sometimes communities lack a reflection on the journey of faith in Christ, a verification of the experience of communion, a constant choice to respond to others in generosity according to the Gospel, a mission to be translated at every moment into charity that makes us grasp the closeness of the Lord to every creature.
Who is Jesus for me and for us who attend church? Are we aware that we are always in the presence of God? How do I understand that my lifestyle is consistent with the Gospel?
Interesting meetings are also organized in our environments, but it seems that Jesus and the Gospel are often the great absentees from our history, from the interventions, from the processes above all, because they are not oriented towards Christian objectives to be achieved and translated into values.
Who knows where the footsteps of Christ have ended up!!!
The Synod challenges us to revisit our baptismal promises, it urges us to return to the Lord, to walk behind Jesus together, to spread justice, peace and the joy of the Spirit already where we live. The world needs hope: founded in Christ, we are called to spread it everywhere in the present moment!

Diana Pope

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